Unit 4: The Kite Runner Note #1
Learning Goals To demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the themes of the novel To analyse the various themes in the novel To make connections between the text and the real world To communicate thinking both orally and in writing To create an informative presentation To write a compare and contrast essay
Background Information The Kite Runner is a work of fiction, but it incorporates various true historical events. The novel takes place in Afghanistan over the span of several decades(1970’s to 2001) Some scenes take place in the United States
Background Information Most of the early parts of the novel take place here Portions of the novel are set here
Background Information Chapter 1 takes place here. Baba and Amir live here
Historical Events 1933-1973, Afghanistan was a monarchy ruled by King Zahir Shah. July 17th 1973 Mohammad Daoud Khan seized power. While the coupe was nearly bloodless it was a fearful time as the people heard riots in the streets and shooting. We see this event through Amir’s eyes in the novel. April 27, 1978 People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) overthrew Daoud– killing him and his family.
Historical Events PDPA was a communist party that held close ties to the Soviet Union. PDPA instituted many political and social reform including abolishing religious and traditional customs. Afghans began to challenge the government 1979– Soviet Union entered and occupied Afghanistan for a decade. The Soviet Occupation is when Baba & Amir leave.
Historical Events Throughout the Soviet occupation, internal Muslim forces put up a resistance. Mujahedins are men engaged in war on the side of Islam. Farid is an example in the novel 1989 –Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan PDPA remained in control for 3 more years 1992 the collapse of the Soviet Union meant there was no more support for the PDPA
Historical Events 1992 -Afghanistan became an Islamic State Life was still unsafe as there was infighting between various militia groups 1996 –The Taliban took control- After so many years of violence and insecurity the people welcomed and celebrated this group as they saw an end to the daily violence. Rahim Khan comments specifically on these days in the novel– Look for it as you read!
Historical Events The Taliban were a group of : Pashtun supremacists who banded together Took almost complete control of the country. Sunni fundamentalists supremacists Taliban Pashtun Man
Historical Events The Taliban: Enacted fundamentalist laws Banned music and dancing Restricted women’s rights Systematically massacred Shiites including the Hazara people. Hassan is a Hazara. Used violence and terror to rule Made the daily life of the Afghans dangerous Hijab Burka
Attack on the World Trade Center Historical Events September 11, 2001 – Terrorist attacks on the USA 2001 the United States invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban. The end of The Kite Runner occurs in 2002, when a provisional government was in place. Attack on the World Trade Center
Perspective The novel is told by Amir. He is looking back on his childhood. He is recalling these events Consider: What impact does it have that Amir is the narrator? Do you trust him as a narrator? Does the fact that he is looking back on the events change our perspective? We will talk about this as we read
Topics As you read think about the following topics and ask yourself “what message does the reader receive about the topic”: Friendship Family Loyalty Deception/lies Secrets Honour Forgiveness & Redemption
Topics The resilience of the human spirit The role of a mother Atonement Human nature Courage Nature vs Nurture Choices Class differences The roles of women Good vs Evil Inhumanity Value and morals
Literary Terminology Review The following terms should be review: Symbol: an object that is used to represent a great idea, concept or feeling Theme: the message the author is trying to convey Metaphor: a comparison between two unlike things No need to write these down
Literary Terminology Review 4. Simile: a comparison between to unlike things using like or as 5. Imagery: Using words to create a vivid picture. 6. Connotation: the emotional response the reader has to a word 7. Irony: the opposite of what you logically expect to happen No need to write these down
Literary Terminology Review 8. Nemesis: is the attribution of just rewards or punishment. No need to write these down