Becoming an end-point assessment organisation
Summary of presentation The role of the end-point assessment organisation and applications to the register. What the end-point assessment of apprentices is. The role of the register of end-point assessment organisations to support employers. How employers will use the register to chose their end- point assessment organisation.
The end-point assessment organisation An end-point assessment organisation must: have current and relevant occupational experience of the standard have relevant assessment experience and expertise have expertise and capacity to design, develop and deliver the EPA methods as set out in the assessment plan undertake eligibility checks prior to apprentice undertaking EPA robustly manage conflicts of interest directly deliver EPA notify employer of the outcome of EPA apply for the apprentice certificate on behalf of the apprentice provide Quality Assurance of their activity adhere to EQA requirements. promote itself to employers to support informed employer choice
The end-point assessment organisation An end-point assessment organisation must not: promote its service to employers unless it is on the register of end-point assessment organisations change the approach to and delivery of EPA as set out in the assessment plan deliver end-point assessment to non-apprentices delegate end-point assessment to a provider deliver the learning elements to the same apprentice
The application process The application has four sets of questions. Each one gives us information about the applicant and their suitability to be an end-point assessment organisation: Information about the organisation Their financial governance and financial self-assessment The organisations occupational capacity and capability The organisations assessment capacity and capability All applicants: complete the online application form respond to questions, make declarations, complete the financial health self-assessment, including submitting latest financial statements, submit accompanying documents where relevant.
Common application pitfalls Applying for ineligible standard Applying to deliver training Not answering the question Providing aggregate responses Not providing the context
Apprenticeship end-point assessment Commissioned and funded by ETF. Delivered by AELP and partners.
Useful links Apprenticeship funding from May 2017 Apprenticeship funding: how it will work Apprenticeship funding: rules and guidance for employers Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017 Agreement for training providers (for the provision of levy-funded apprenticeship training)