Departmental report of the County clerk’s office
Office Staff: Beth A. Hauser, County Clerk Elected into office November 2000 and started as Clerk January 2001 Worked in Clerk of Courts from July, 1997 – December 2000 Jessica Fox, Deputy Clerk Started working in office July, 2015 .75 FTE (works four days a week)
Services to the County Board Recording Secretary Prepare and publish agendas and minutes for County Board and its Committees Publish Official Proceedings Compile/publish/maintain county directory
Elections Administration Chief Election Officer for the County Receives and files oaths of office and bonds for all county elected officials Serves as the filing officer for county candidates (County Board Supervisors, county elected officials) and county-related referenda questions Prepares and publishes election notices Prepares ballots and distributes supplies to municipal clerks Tabulates and reports election results on Election Night Conducts Board of Canvass and recounts Issues Certificates of Election for county candidates Conducts election training for municipal and school clerks
Licenses and Permits Issues marriage licenses and maintains index Issues domestic partnerships and terminations; maintains index Distributes dog licenses and supplies to municipal treasurers Administers dog license accounts and prepares annual settlement to municipalities Issues conservation licenses as an agent of the DNR Issues temporary license plates as an agent of the DMV
Other Statutory Duties Annual library reimbursements Timber Harvest Notices Claims against the County Probate Claims Notices Miscellaneous Highway Department records
Non-Statutory Duties Sort incoming mail and process outgoing mail daily Process outgoing UPS packages Information window Registration and lodging arrangements for various board and committee conferences and seminars Helps coordinate Student Government Day annually
Associations and Committees 17 year member of Wisconsin County Clerk’s Association and Wisconsin County Constitutional Officers Association Served as WCCA Historian for 1 year Served as WCCA Treasurer for 5 years Served on WCCA Education Committee for over 10 years Served on Wisconsin Counties Association County Organization and Personnel Committee the past 4 years
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