Nick Bonvoisin UNECE Secretariat


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Presentation transcript:

Nick Bonvoisin UNECE Secretariat IAIA Conference on international experience & perspectives in SEA Prague, 26-30 September 2005 Session E7 Nick Bonvoisin UNECE Secretariat Espoo Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context IAIA Conference on international experience & perspectives in SEA, Prague, 26-30 September 2005

Capacity development framework for the UNECE Protocol on SEA Introductory Workshop (E7.1) Session E7 Capacity Development Manual for the implementation of the UNECE Protocol on SEA IAIA Conference on international experience & perspectives in SEA, Prague, 26-30 September 2005

UNECE Protocol on SEA Negotiated by UNECE Member States Adopted and signed in Kiev in May 2003 First meeting of Signatories in June 2004 During meeting of Parties to Espoo Convention Espoo Convention workplan includes activities for developing capacity to implement the Protocol Two ratifications – Finland and the Czech Republic Anticipate entry into force in 2007 (16 ratifications) Then open to all UN Member States Expressions of interest IAIA Conference on international experience & perspectives in SEA, Prague, 26-30 September 2005

1. SEA capacity-building needs analysis in EECCA To understand national & subregional capacity for implementation Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus Preparation of national & subregional reports describing current capacity-building activities & capacity-development needs Design of framework for future capacity-development strategies Development of national & subregional capacity-building strategies by the countries themselves (Pilot studies and national adaptations of manual) Lead by UNDP/RBEC, carried out by the countries & by REC-CEE, supported by UNECE secretariat IAIA Conference on international experience & perspectives in SEA, Prague, 26-30 September 2005

2. Production of capacity development manual to support implementation of SEA Protocol Drafting of manual (slides, notes for trainers/trainees, case studies & background documents) in English & Russian Subregional workshops to review draft manual with EU Member States, countries of South-East Europe & selected EECCA countries Brussels, Szentendre (Hungary), Tbilisi (with REC Caucasus) 2nd meeting of Signatories, Geneva Drafting & editing of final 1st electronic edition of manual in English & Russian Small editorial group Release on websites Lead by REC-CEE, supported by UNECE secretariat IAIA Conference on international experience & perspectives in SEA, Prague, 26-30 September 2005

Contacts For more about the UNECE Protocol on SEA, visit us at or or email Nick Bonvoisin Espoo Convention Secretariat UNECE IAIA Conference on international experience & perspectives in SEA, Prague, 26-30 September 2005