Prenatal Ultrasonographic Markers of FASD in Ukraine Kenneth L. Jones, MD Christina D. Chambers, PhD, MPH University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine La Jolla, California
Methods At 4 specific time periods during pregnancy, standard 2-D prenatal U/S studies performed on 80 moderate/heavy drinking women and a similar number of minimal drinking/abstinent controls U/S studies electronically transferred to prenatal ultrasonographer at UCSD who will review each for accuracy as well as features previously associated on one study with prenatal alcohol exposure Following delivery, all 160 infants examined by specially trained neonatologist/geneticist . Photos of each child taken and all with FAS or deferred category will be evaluated by “expert” dysmorphologist.
Accomplishments IRB approval obtained as of March 2005 Pilot studies of alcohol consumption by pregnant women completed in both Rivne and Kherson Meeting held in mid-April with all obstetricians in Rivne oblast to encourage them to enter heavy drinking women into the study Meetings held with study coordinators in Kiev, Rivne and Kherson in early April Press conference held in Rivne in early April to publicize the study First 5 pregnant women entered into the study in May 2005
Interrelationship with Aims of Consortium Provides a method for early identification that a baby has been affected prenatally by alcohol Interrelates with Moscow Region prospective study – Risk Factors for FASD in the Moscow Region. Prenatal U/S is being done there as well
Future Plans Project will be completed this year Drs Hull, Chambers and Jones will visit Ukraine in mid-September to meet with project coordinators in Rivne and Kherson to complete evaluation of the newborn infants and begin analysis of the data.