MCMENT INC The Only Remodeling and Building/Construction Experts Specializing in the use of PCM Products for energy conservation and living comfort for all parts of your building and home
What are PCMs? Phase change materials are compounds which melt and solidify at certain temperatures and in doing so are capable of absorbing, storing and releasing large amounts of energy. They take advantage of latent heat. Water / Ice Thermal energy storage Characteristics of a good PCM Freeze and melt at a desired temperature Freeze and melt in a narrow temperature range Similar melting and freezing points High latent heats Types of PCM’s Paraffin / Waxes Salts/ Salt Hydrates Fats and Oils WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
PCM Benefit Value Add Additive Performance Energy Savings Lower utility bills Comfort Temperature swings buffered for greater living/work comfort Value Add Additive Performance WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
All PCMs must be contained to be useful Macroencapsulation Plastic panels, pouches, spheres and pipes Metal pipes, tubes and spheres Microencapsulation Slurry mixture Filter cake Dry powder WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
MicroPCM Photomicrograph WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
Proven Technology NASA Textiles and Bedding Cold Chain Shipping Medical Devices Building/Construction TES Food and Beverage WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
PCMs in Building/Construction Roofing Paints/Primers Drywall/Gypsum Boards and Drywall Backer Panels Ceiling tiles Attic and Insulation Treatments and Underlays Flooring Underlay Plasters, Mortar, Grout Concrete Textiles (wallcoverings, window coverings, upholstery, carpet, carpet padding, etc.) WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
A little math… 1 gallon of primer contains 0.96 kg mPCMs 20’ x 12’ x 8’ room has 72 kg air mPCM Lf = 180 kJ/kg ΔE = m * Lf or (2.88 kg)(180kJ/kg) = 518.4 kJ …using 3 gallons of primer ΔT = ΔE / m * Cp, or 518.4 kJ/72 kg * 1 kJ/kg = 7.2°C A difference of 7.2°C WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
A little more math… A small window AC unit produces about 5500 Btu per hour of heat reduction US Dept. of Energy estimates about 20 Btu’s needed per square foot of space to be cooled 1 Btu = 1.06 kJoules The 518.4 kJ of energy storage in the Primer of previous slide equals about 10% of the total heat reduction power of the above AC unit This translates to the equivalent of 6 minutes per hour of cooling, just due to the passive interaction of the microPCMs in the Primer WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
PCM Panel Study In 2007/2008 Phase Change Energy Solutions partnered with the Arizona Public Service (APS) to create an experimental setup to test the performance of PCES’s ENRG Blanket product. This experiment did not have internal gains from lights/people/equipment so was effectively an envelope only test. For envelope loads only the results of a maximum energy savings of about 30%, a maximum peak load shift of ~ 60 min, and maximum cost savings of about 30% are quite impressive. Note: Actual buildings with internal loads may experience larger benefits. The study focused on the kWh usage, HVAC run-time and attic temperatures between the dates of 12/14/2007 and 1/24/08 due to the average temperatures for the Phoenix Arizona climate. During this period the control building consumed 240 kWh and the BioPCMTM Building consumed 177 kWh Savings, a 26% reduction. Publications of this experimental setup can be downloaded from these searches: APS BioPCMTM Test APS Test Temp Regulation ASME APS Publication WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
Wind Vented Roofing with Infinite-R PCM Panels Saves Energy • No Landfill • Less Labor Up to 30 Year & 150 Mph Warranty Reduces Heat Flux Up to 80% WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
10 Hour Dynamic R-Value Test up to 160ºF R19 Assembly WITH and WITHOUT Infinite-R™ WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
Tarrytown 500 White Street, Tarrytown, NY WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
ROI for Roof Application WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
Who we are Matt Magill, President Monte C. Magill, PCM Guru 25+ years of the highest quality building, construction and remodeling work Monte C. Magill, PCM Guru 32 years working with microencapsulation and with PCMs Holds 19 PCM related patents WWW.MCMENTINC.COM
Give us a challenge…let us know what your T management issue is MCMENT INC The world leading provider of PCM technology into the Building and Construction Market Give us a challenge…let us know what your T management issue is WWW.MCMENTINC.COM