PRESENTATION MADE TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE CHARLOTTE MAXEKE JOHANNESBURG ACADEMIC HOSPITAL DATE: 05 SEPTEMBER 2012 To be the best provider of quality health and social services to the people in Gauteng. 1
Identified intervention/focus areas Progress Report Contents Purpose Background Identified intervention/focus areas Progress Report Overall Conclusion Report Recommendations 2
Purpose To brief the Portfolio Committee about the development / current situation at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital. To inform the Committee on the intervention plans to stabilize the institution 3
Background The Hospital received profoundly bad media publicity due to leaking of information about non appointment of staff with the resultant negative impact on service delivery. The Premier, The MEC, and Management Authority of The Department visited the Hospital on the 14 August 2012. Heads of Clinical Departments attended the meeting and presented their Concerns The Minister of Health , The Deputy Minister, the MEC, The Director General of the Department of Health, the Head of the Department of Health Gauteng as well as other Management Authorities visited the Hospital on the 16 August 2012. Seven intervention /focus areas were identified in order to immediately stabilize the situation in the Hospital. 4
Identified intervention/focus areas and activities Human Resources. Activity: Filing of Identified critical posts 2. Equipment. Activity: Procurement 3. Service, Maintenance and Repairs. Activity: Servicing, Maintaining and Repairing identified life saving equipments. 4. Pharmaceuticals. Activity: Maintain optimum stock levels 5. Accruals. Activity: Reducing of web cycle and accrual transaction 6. Finance and Revenue. Activity: acquiring of IT hardware , fixing of local area network,(LAN) 7. Infrastructure. Activity: Servicing, Maintaining and Repairing of identified infrastructural requirements 5
Progress made on identified intervention areas 1.Human Resource Management: 1.1 Appointment of Medical and allied Personnel Number of posts approved filling : 1.1.1 Offers Accepted: 41 17 medical specialists 11 medical officers accepted 3 medical registrars accepted with 2 clinical technologists accepted, 2 radiographers accepted. 35 candidates who accepted to start on the 1st September 2012 6 will start on the 1st October 2012. 6
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) 1.Human Resource Management: 1.1 Appointment of Medical and allied Personnel (continued) 1.1.2 Pending for advertisement: 5 Clinical Heads of units, 1.1.3 Offers awaiting responses: 4 Radiographers 1.1.4 Offers Declined: 6 medical officers, 1.1.5 Next intake registrars ( Jan 2013): 8 7
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) 1.Human Resource Management: (Continuation) 1.2 Nursing Number of posts approved to be filled : 135 . 1.2.1 Offers Accepted 92 nurses . 1.2.2 Offers awaiting responses. 43 nurses 1.2.3 Declined None 8
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) 1.Human Resource Management: (Continuation) 1.3 Admin and general support Number of posts approved to be filled: 1.3.1 Offers Accepted : 21 admin and support staff 1.3.2 Pending for advertisement: 42 Admin and Support 1.3.3 Awaiting for interview and filling: 1 Security Officer (Set date for interview 05 September 2012) 9
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) 2. PROCUREMENT OF Equipments Equipment procurement plan is in place. The process of placing requisitions of medical equipments below R500 000-00 and those that are on tender has been intensified. 215 requisitions to the total value of R36.7 million were already captured as at 31 August 2012.The Department is of the opinion that it’s within the set target of 30th September 2012. The List of all equipments above R 500 000 that are not on contract has been submitted to Central Office, Departmental Acquisition Committee for consideration and processing. 10
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) SERVICE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: A plan to repair equipments has been finalized. Consideration to seek external services providers to come and repair sophisticated medical equipments on site under monitoring of the equipment engineer was finalized. 6 quotations from certified Companies to repair 740 sophisticated medical equipments have been received and will be captured on the 3 September 2012 on the system. The submission for consideration for the approval of appointment of external services provider for medical equipment services and maintenance management system has been finalized. 11
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) Pharmaceuticals Follow ups are made on daily basis with Medical Supply Depot regarding supplies of essential drugs, and those that are buy outs to keep optimum stock levels. Essential Drugs are delivered twice per week, which is on Tuesdays and Fridays. If an essential item is not available at the Depot on the day of deliver, a calling order is done by pharmacy and then delivery happens immediately. Stock level is at 92% 12
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) 5. Accruals The Hospital has set up a team whose main task is to clear the web-cycle on daily basis. The Director for Finance assesses progress made with the team daily at 8h00. There were 67 transactions amounting to R1, 2 million on the 31 August 2012. Considering that the total number of transactions were over 800 to the total value of R83 million on the 1st June 2012, the hospital is satisfied with the current daily progress made. 13
Progress made on identified intervention areas (Continued) FINANCE REVENUE National Department of Health in partnership with World Bank placed interns in the Hospital. Interns placed under Revenue Collection assist with tracing Medical Aid Revenue debts. As at end of July 2012, R20 million out of R270milion was collected and allocated. The National Department of Health has procured 200 patient administration computers/workstations, 100 laser printers, 25 sticker printers and 400 cartridges , delivery expected shortly. A meeting between the National Department of Health and our I.T. Technicians is scheduled for the 4th September 2012 to finalise how the hardware will be placed in the hospital. 7. INFRASTRUCTURE A discussion between the CEO and Mr. Klaus Garlipp was held. Mr. Garlipp is to provide feedback with regards to the programme for the repair of lifts at Charlotte Maxeke. 14
Overall conclusion report. 1. Clinicians impression: Clinicians appreciates the latest developments made, however they would be most impressed by the time the newly appointed personnel assume duties, and first deliveries of equipments are received. Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) representing all Clinicians in the hospital commented that the plan must be sustainable and be able to develop tertiary / quaternary services 2. Technical Task Team Two Technical task Team members came on the 21 August 2012. Separate intervention activities at production level are in place. Weekly reports submitted to the Department are on the bases of intervention activities at production level. 3. Political Task Team The team is led by the National Health Minister: Dr A Motswaledi and the MEC: Mr. Hope Papo one supported by DG, Ms P Matsoso and HOD, Dr, Dr N. Xundu 15
Recommendation It is recommended that the Health Portfolio Committee notes the report. 16