Lithuanian Energy Institute Solid Recovered Fuels perspectives in Baltic countries implementing EU directives Vaclovas Kveselis Lithuanian Energy Institute 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Basic facts Estonia: Latvia: Area: 45,226 sq. km. Forest area –31% Population: 1.5 million. Latvia: Area: 64,100 sq. km. Forest area -39% Population: 2.5 million. Lithuania: Area: 65,200 sq. km. Forest area - 16.3% Population: 3.5 million 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
The Directives impacting waste management policies Directive 2004/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 amending Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste - Statement by the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 96/92/EC - Statements made with regard to decommissioning and waste management activities Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste Directive 2004/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 on the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market and amending Directive 92/42/EEC Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
General waste management strategies – Estonia (1) (Source: prevention of waste generation; reduction of generated waste volumes and decrease in their hazardousness; increase in the quantity and scale of recycled wastes: reuse of waste; recycling of waste use of biological processes (composting); energy production (combustion). consideration of environmental safety and requirements in waste treatment; environmentally safe disposal and final disposal of waste. 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
General waste management strategies – Estonia (2) Tasks by the year 2010: to improve disposal methods and the use of oil-shale processing waste; to increase the share of waste recycling to 50%; to stabilize municipal waste generation at an annual level of 250 - 300 kg per person; to optimize the number of municipal landfill sites (up to 150); to treat, dispose and dump all wastes according to internationally accepted environmental and health protection requirements; to reduce the share of hazardous waste in the total waste volume; to construct a radioactive waste storage facility that meets European Union requirements; to offer waste management services all over Estonia. 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Waste generation (Estonia) 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Latvian waste management policy goals (Source: NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY PLAN 2004 – 2008) To limit waste production and to reduce quantities of buried waste by promoting to processing or reuse thereof. To implement a regional municipal waste management system. To ensure that as much waste is reintroduced in the economic system as possible. To provide for the burying of waste in a way that is safe for human health and the environment. To facilitate waste processing as close to its place of origin as possible. To facilitate the introduction of sorted waste collection system in municipalities. To provide residents and entrepreneurs with information and to raise their awareness about waste management issues. 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Latvian waste generation/management 600-700’000 t of municipal waste are produced in Latvia annually. 50% of this amount –biodegradable. 40% of MSW is disposed at Getlini landfill site near Riga. 10-12 new regional landfill sites and appropriate waste treatment installations are to be established. Tax on packaging is levied. 100 000 t/a packaging waste is generated 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Available statistics for Latvia MUNICIPAL AND HAZARDOUS WASTE: COLLECTION AND TREATMENT by Type of waste, Indicator and Year. 2003 Municipal waste, t Generated 562373 Collected 789069 Processed 120225 Landfilled 597681 Exported 22949 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Lithuanian waste management policy Long-term goal – safe and economically sound waste management system, ensuring minimal negative impact to environment, rational recycling and energy recovery. Minimization of disposed of biodegradable wastes (composting and energy recovery) Implement source-based municipal waste sorting Construction of dump site for radioactive wastes Establishment of regional waste management systems 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Regional waste management system of Lithuania 10 MSW landfills and 1 HW landfill in 2009 would replace 737 dump sites identified in 2003 (Supported by ISPA funds) 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Market for SRF in Baltic States Country Power generation CHP District heating Industry Estonia Co-firing with oil-shale Yes ? Latvia N/a Lithuania No market until 2009 Cement kilns 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Preconditions: Price competitiveness against fossil fuels Adequate calorific value, homogeneity Reasonable costs of flue gas and combustion residues treatment Conformity with “renewable” definition 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Klaipeda case study Aimed to evaluate the feasibility of energy recovery project from MSW planned to dispose at the regional landfill near Klaipeda city. The key figures: MSW amount – 150 000 t/a RDF production – 80-100 000 t/a Energy recovery – 200-250 GWh (18-20% of DH needs) Heat price – 13.3 €/MWh, Electricity – 57,9 €/MWh (Preferential price for RES) Estimated investment – 486 €/tpd (ton per day) for heat only - 700 €/tpd for cogeneration (steam turbines) The result: Estimated waste incineration costs (gate fee) – 49-52 €/t 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
Conclusions Implementation of EU Directives – establishing of Waste management systems expand SRF possibilities All Baltic countries declare energy recovery as preferential way for waste treatment Different markets for SFR in Baltic countries: rather limited power market in Lithuania before decommissioning of Ignalina NPP (2009), good possibilities for CHP applications in Latvia, co-firing with oil-shale for power production in Estonia Generally high interest in Latvia and Lithuania due to the lack of domestic energy resources and heavy dependence on imported fuels Low present waste dumping fee and lower than Europe average energy prices are the barriers for waste-to-energy projects 2005/06/23-24, Warsaw
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