October 17, 2012 JoAnn Simser Shannon Kohlman State Director, CTE


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Presentation transcript:

Perkins Fiscal Procedures and Requirements for Managing the Funds--Post-Secondary October 17, 2012 JoAnn Simser Shannon Kohlman State Director, CTE Grants Accountant System Director, Perkins Federal Grant Finance Division JoAnn.Simser@so.mnscu.edu Shannon.kohlman@so.mnscu.edu 651-201-1650 612-548-2067 Debra

Goals Review accounting procedures designed to address reporting requirements Clarify the two different ways partners receive reimbursement—draw downs and invoicing Explain the process for accurately drawing down and receipting the funds expended Debra

FY2013 Perkins IV Budget for Minnesota October 1, 2012 Allocation A Title 1 Assistance to States   16,754,034.00 B Title 11 (Tech Prep) Allocation - C Total Award A + B 16,684,637.00 D 26 Consortia (85% of total award) 0.85 * C 14,181,941.45 E Basic Grant (90% of the 85%) 0.90 * D 12,763,747.31 F Secondary Programs 42% 0.42 * E 5,360,773.87 G Postsecondary Programs 58% 0.58 * E 7,402,973.44 H Reserve (10% of the 85%) 0.1002 * D 1,418,194.15 I 0.42 * H 595,641.54 J 0.58 * H 822,552.60 K State Leadership (up to 10%) 0.10 * C 1,668,463.70 L Secondary Programs 44% 0.44 * K 734,124.03 M Postsecondary Programs 56% 0.56 * K 934,339.67 N State Institutions, max of 1% of total award 50,000.00 O Non Traditional Training, must spend $60 - $150K 60,000.00 P State Leadership Initiatives M - N - O 824,339.67 Q State Administration (5%) 0.05 * C 834,231.85 R Fiscal Agent responsibility--Post-Secondary (5% of 5%) 0.05 * Q 41,711.59 S Remainder to be split Q - R 792,520.26 T Postsecondary (65%) 0.65 * S 515,138.17 U Secondary (35%) 0.35 * S 277,382.09 D + K + Q JoAnn Handout: FY13 Perkins Budget MN on the website In July 2013 and October, 2013 the state of Minnesota received awards form the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE), US Department of Education totaling $16 million, 894 thousand, 637 dollars. This was allocated to the system office, the MN Department of Education and local consortia as detailed in the prior webinars according to the legislation and the budget submitted with the state plan and approved by OVAE.

FY13 Local Consortium Award Allocations FY13 Local Consortium Perkins Plan Approval Notification and Fiscal Information including the award was emailed to the Superintendent and the President at the fiscal host district and college with copies to local consortium fiscal and Perkins contacts upon approval of local consortium plan after July 1, 2013 JoAnn Allocation Award letters were sent to each local consortium host President and Superintendent with copies to consortium contacts and fiscal contacts upon approval of Local Consortium plan after July 1, 2013.

Perkins 2012-2013 SFY13 Award Letter Basic and Reserve Allocations Forward Funding JoAnn As was stated in the last webinar, Minnesota’s Perkins allocation for 2012-2013 was consistent with the estimate provided March 10, 2013 and with the allocations awarded July 2, 2013 and October 1, 2013. [click] As such, each Perkins consortium received an allocation letter upon approval of their local consortium plan that showed final figures for the fiscal year under: Secondary basic allocation Secondary reserve allocation Postsecondary basic allocation Postsecondary reserve allocation The forward funding amount within the total allocation that could be expended prior to October 1, 2013 was specified towards the end of the letter.

Reallocation Award Letter—coming later Prior Year Reallocation Each consortium may anticipate that there will be an additional allocation later this year of Reallocation funds not used by Perkins consortia during the 2011-2012 school year. This will be sent after the funds to be redistributed are known, probably in December, 2012 or January, 2013. Due to the First In, First Out principal the consortium should expend the reallocated amounts before the FY13 basic and reserve funds for activities in the approved local consortium plan. [click x 2] FIFO

FY13 Local Consortium Budget Revisions with Reallocated Funds Local consortium contacts will need to review their approved FY13 local application and decide where to make necessary budget changes http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/perkinsIV/applications.html Fiscal hosts and Perkins contacts will need to submit an adjusted Post Secondary Budget to add the reallocated allocation on the FY13 Budget Summary . http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/forms/index.html JoAnn You will need to submit an adjusted Post Secondary Budget and Secondary Budget for the reallocated allocation on the FY13 Budget Summary at that time. http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/forms/index.html

FY13 Budget Summary JoAnn You will need to submit an adjusted Post Secondary Budget to add a column for reallocation on the FY13 Budget Summary. http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/forms/index.html Your secondary colleagues will need to adjust the secondary budget as well.

Why Multiple GL’s? Federal requirements stipulate that each Grant Award activity deliverer reports with the following attributes: Data consistency Report reproducibility Clear Audit trail Ability to create consolidated annual report Shannon

GL’s Assigned by Office of the Chancellor State fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Use of different General Ledgers to ensure full transparency across years: Name FY 13 FY14 Basic 384131 384141 Reserve 384132 384142 Leadership 384133 384143 Sub-Grants 384134 384144 Reallocation 384135 384145 Shannon—add FY14 GL’s

Chart of Account Set-up: Business Office at System Office (SO) assigns five GL numbers SO directs all colleges to use ONLY the assigned five GL’s for their accounting systems For Basic Grant, each fiscal contact college creates a minimum of six cost centers—five cost centers linked to the five goals in their plan and one administration cost center Shannon Business Office at each consortium fiscal contact college loads its budgets in accordance with its awarded grant dollars into its accounting systems

How State Leadership Dollars are Expended Intra-agency agreements between system office and colleges To receive reimbursement: Colleges invoice system office for expenditures incurred under the agreement System office reimburses colleges Colleges reduce their expenditures by the amount paid Shannon: JoAnn: Examples of intra-agency agreements are the special assignment of college staff to OOC.

How State Leadership Dollars are Expended (cont.) Perkins IV Agreements for Community and Technical Colleges To receive reimbursement: Colleges establish a cost center within leadership G/L and load budget specified within the agreement Establish a separate cost center for each Perkins Agreement Access funds using the drawdown expenditure reimbursement process specified for basic grants Shannon: The G/L number will be specified within the Perkins Agreement. Funds allocated through the Perkins Agreements must be expended by May 31, 2013. Otherwise they will be recaptured and no longer available to the college. JoAnn: Examples of Perkins Agreements from state leadership funds include coordination of technical skill assessment projects and the Student Learning Communities grants.

Drawdown Expenditure Reimbursement Process Business office at the system office communicates the GL numbers to the colleges College receives notification of award specifying the maximum they are authorized to spend College starts spending the budgeted amount within the limits of the grant requirements charged against the appropriate current year cost centers System office grant accountant checks the Perkins GL’s for all colleges for accumulated expenditures and completes the draw down from the federal systems to reimburse college Shannon System office grant accountant enters a Receipt Wire in SWIFT to ensure the funds are directed to college System office grant accountant sends college notice that funds will be deposited in college’s SWIFT account. College fiscal contact ensures receipt of the funds into the appropriate Perkins cost center in ISRS.

Receipting the Draw Down Revenue should be receipted with in three business days after notification from the Grant Accountant. Revenue should be receipted to object code 9401 with a Y Flag Revenue should be receipted to the cost center where the expense is. Shannon

Draw Down Considerations Grant Accountant will be sending funds for the GL’S that are assigned by the system office. The system office will not send any funds in excess of the allocated amounts. Even if there is an expense in a cost center. Shannon

Year End Considerations Please record the expense in the correct object code as there will be no opportunity for changes after the fiscal year end closes. This will result in accurate reporting. Shannon

Consortium Monitoring System office will conduct a fiscal audit and visit as part of consortium monitoring process at six consortia in FY13 Monitoring visits and fiscal audits at all consortia in FY 10- FY13 Schedule and procedure: http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/directories/portal.html#Criteria Shannon Handout: Documentation for Local Consortium Monitoring Visit-Post Secondary Fiscal Audit

3.1 Local Application Budgets Changes Budget changes of $10,000 within a goal must be preapproved by the system office CTE staff-send an email request to JoAnn Simser with a copy to Denise Roseland College coordinators must receive written email approval before expenditure is made. Perkins IV Operational Handbook, Section III Financial Requirementshttp://www.cte.mnscu.edu/consortia_resources/documents/Operational_Handbook_(4-2-10).pdf p. 24-36 JoAnn We would like to highlight some items from an important resource for you, the Perkins IV Operational Handbook Section III Financial Requirements. It can be found on the website under consortium resources. Budget changes of $10,000 or more within a goal must be preapproved by the system office CTE staff. The College Perkins coordinator must receive written email approval before you can make the expenditure. Keep the documentation for any future audits.

3.5 Financial Cost Centers 5. Sub-grants GL Sub-grants may be made from one college to another recipient Entity granting the funds pays from the source-the Basic GL, Reserve GL, Reallocated GL or Leadership GL reimbursed by system office Entity receiving the funds sets up a cost center in the sub-grant GL for each sub-grant and receipts grant funds and expenditures to that cost center reimbursed by the sub-granting college, not system office Perkins IV Operational Handbook, Section III Financial Requirementshttp://www.cte.mnscu.edu/consortia_resources/documents/Operational_Handbook_(4-2-10).pdf p. 24-36 Shannon

Perkins CTE Financial Questions Please input your questions on the chat function. We value your questions, input and feedback. It helps us all do better. Debra

Perkins Fiscal Resources Perkins IV Operational Handbook-Section III Financial Requirements http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/consortia_resources/documents/Operational_Handbook_(4-2-10).pdf p. 24-36 Local Consortium Application Sections I, II, III www.cte.mnscu.edu/forms/index.html Monitoring Visits and Financial Audits http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/directories/portal.html#Criteria Frequently Asked Questions Home page-right side www.cte.mnscu.edu/index.html JoAnn Handout: Perkins IV Operational Handbook Section III Financial Requirements http://www.cte.mnscu.edu/consortia_resources/documents/Operational_Handbook_(4-2-10).pdf p. 24-36

Perkins Fiscal Webinars Perkins IV Law and Procedures and Requirements for Fiscal Agents-Part I, October 9 Perkins IV Distribution and Uses of Funds-Part II, October 15 Perkins Fiscal Procedures and Requirements for Managing the Funds– Post-Secondary, October 17 Perkins Fiscal Procedures and Requirements for Managing the Funds – Secondary, October 24 www.cte.mnscu.edu Debra

A note about CEUs… Teachers can get certificates (1 hour) within two weeks of completing the session evaluation for today’s webinar. NOTE: Since there is no teacher CEU preapproval process it is up to the local continuing education committee to decide whether or not these hours will apply to your teaching license renewal. Debra