FEEDBACK “the information received during or following a movement, which informs the performer about the effectiveness of that response” Information from our senses that we receive about our performance. Choose a sport and give examples of the different types feedback a performer can receive.
Functions of feedback Change an incorrect response Reinforce a correct response. Motivate the performer Give examples
Types of feedback Intrinsic-(also called internal/inherent/kinaesthetic) Comes form within the performer from the proprioceptors. The more experienced or skilled a performer is the more effective their use of intrinsic FB will be. Extrinsic-(also known as external/augmented). Information from outside the performer about the performance and is given to enhance/augment the the already received intrinsic feedback. This type of feedback is generally referred to as teaching or coaching, or from team mates in a game. Used extensively in the cognitive and associative phases of learning
Types of feedback cont… Feedback can be a mixture of different types. Continuous/concurrent:received during the activity usually received as kinaesthetic information. Can it be extrinsic? Terminal: FB received after the performance. Can be immediate or delayed. Positive FB: occurs when performance of a skill/task is successful. Used to reinforce learning and increase probability of response being repeated. E.g ….Praise What is the danger of using too much positive FB?
Types of feedback cont… Negative FB: occurs when performance of task/skill is incorrect. List all types of negative FB a basketball player will get when they miss a free shot. See ball miss Hear comments from crowd/friends Kinaesthetic FB helps realise not enough power in shot when compared to previous successful performance.
Knowledge of Results FB which gives you information about the outcome (success/failure) of the action you have performed. E.g. you missed the net by 10cm. Intrinsic/extrinsic? Very useful in the early stages of learning.
Knowledge of Performance Once KR is given it is often necessary for the coach to give information about why that outcome came about KP is not about the success of the environmental goal but about the success of the movement pattern the performer has just produced. E.g. your pass was wide (KR) “this is because the surface of your foot was pointing the wrong way (KP)