Wixáritari (Huichol) Art
MEXICO Huichol (el rojo)
Video Clip 1: The Huichol People https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoRqcYj8h3c
Video Clip 2: Mystical and Colorful: Huichol Art in Mexico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Xdd5RLM6lc
Beaded Eggs
Beaded Jaguar Head
Beaded Clay Pot
Beaded Bowl
Beaded Bowl
Yarn Painting
Yarn Painting
Yarn Painting
Yarn Painting
OJOS DE DIOS The Huichol people for many years have made Ojos de Dios, meaning ‘Eyes of God’ Lana (wool/ yarn) Palos (sticks)
Traditionally, Ojos de Dios are woven alone, and people meditate or pray as they work The works of art are made for celebrations or blessing. They are hung in homes and where people work
OJOS DE DIOS When a Huichol child is born, the father would weave the center ring, and then add a new ring for each year of the child’s life until the age of five
OJOS DE DIOS The original works (with 2 sticks creating four corners that represent earth, wind, fire and water) are hard to come by. They used to be powerful, and spiritual. Now they are mostly an art/craft and people make elaborate additions to them like the mandala seen here.
Video Clip 3: Ojo de Dios Huichol 8 Palos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTWpMm300dE
Video Clip 4: Step by Step Tutorial
SIMPLE OJO DE DIOS TUTORIAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0doOTz5Wckk