What is the Digestive System?
Food is the fuel that helps keep our bodies moving.
Food has to be broken down into small pieces This is done in digestive system
How long does Digestion Take? Between 24 to 72 hours.
Label the Digestive System
The Mouth 1. Place the Cracker on your Mouth 2. Just let it Sit 3. What happens to the Cracker?
Mouth Food enters the digestive system through the mouth, where your teeth and tongue help to break down the food. Saliva also helps to moisten the chewed food before it travels down to the stomach
Our Salivary glands produce around 1.5 litres of saliva each day. Interesting Fact Our Salivary glands produce around 1.5 litres of saliva each day.
Esophagus To get to the stomach, food passes through the esophagus, which pushes the food using wave-like contractons (peristalsis).
Esophagus In the stomach, fluids such as acid and mucus are added which further break down the food into tiny particles and help it to move along.
True or False: Our Stomachs contain hydrochloric acid.
_______________ and enzymes further break down food Stomach _______________ and enzymes further break down food
Amazing Fact The stomach of an adult holds up to 1.5 litres of food. Food stays here for 2-3 hours
Small Intestine Next, the particles enter the small intestine where more fluids are added to help make the food useful for the body. By the time the food reaches the end of the small intestine, the necessary nutrients have been absorbed by the body.
Small Intestine is how long? Amazing Fact Small Intestine is how long? 7.0 m
So many folds that its total surface area can cover a tennis court. Small Intestine So many folds that its total surface area can cover a tennis court.
Large Intestine The large intestine absorbs water and stores the waste products before they are expelled from the body through the rectum
Large Intestine is approximately 5 feet in length Fun Fact Large Intestine is approximately 5 feet in length
Pancreas It sits behind the stomach and produces enzymes (chemicals) that are important for digestion
Liver Bile produces in the liver to help breakdown fats. Removes toxins and waste from the body
Digestive Illnesses IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME - is a condition that affects the large and small intestine. In IBS, food moves through the colon too slowly OR quickly or unpredictably. As a result, the colon does not absorb the right amount of water from food. This can lead to diarrhea or constipation.
Natural Remedies DIARRHEA It’s important to keep replacing your body’s supply of water and electrolytes, which include sodium, potassium and chloride.
Avoid Dairy Products Ginger is a great herb NAUSEA & VOMITTING Drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration Avoid Dairy Products Ginger is a great herb
Constipation Foods w/ fibre: Beans, Apricots, Plums, Whole Grain breads, Prunes