(Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK1 You are a shop assistant at a clothes shop. Use the given prompts and help the customer. black T-shirt (X) offer - purple T-shirt (✓-all sizes) blue T-shirt (✓-size L and XL only) grey T-shirt (✓-all sizes) credit card (X) cash (✓) You are at a clothes shop and you want to buy a T-shirt. Use the following prompts: black T-shirt purple ( ) ask - blue T-shirt? (size: M) grey T-shirt (size: M) credit card?
(Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK2 You want to get some information about London city tour. Ask questions about the following prompts: Start time? Finish time? Leaves from? Price? You work at the Tourist Information centre. The tourist wants to get some information about the London city tour. Use the following prompts and answer his/her questions. Start: 8.30 a.m. Finish: 2.00 p.m. Leaves from: Harley Street Price: £15
(Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK3 You are at the Second City Bank. Ask for directions to Saturn Hotel & Fine Arts Museum. Check directions to be sure. A tourist in your hometown asks you some directions in front of the Second City Bank. Give directions and correct when necessary. Look at the map
(Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK4 You are at the Police Station. Ask for directions to Home Drugstore Central Bus Check directions to be sure. You are a police officer and you are on duty in front of the station. A tourist asks you some directions. Give directions and correct when necessary. Look at the map
(Student B will start the conversation) (Start the conversation) STUDENT A (Student B will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Start the conversation) You are the customer at a restaurant. Look at the menu on the other slide Ask the waiter about any dish you don’t know Order your food (1 item for each category) Cost/bill? Creadit card? You are the waiter/waitress at a restaurant. Welcome the customer Ask about his/her order Answer his/her questions Accept the order (but you dan’t have something s/he orders. Offer something else) Tell the total price Credit card (✓) TASK5
(Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) You and your classmate have an hour free time for two days from Monday to Friday. You want to do some sports activities together, so you go to your university’s gym. . Look at the schedule and decide on two activities together. S/he doesn’t like netball, and you don’t like boxing. Also, you don’t have free time on Friday morning. Go to the next slide for the schedule. You and your classmate have an hour free time for two days from Monday to Friday. You want to do some sports activities together, so you go to your university’s gym. Look at the schedule and decide on two activities together. S/he doesn’t like boxing, and you don’t like netball. Also, you don’t have free time on Tuesday afternoon. TASK6
(Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) You are talking to some friends at the cinema club. Each of you talks about a film. Describe your film and answer your friend’s questions. the type of the film actors/actresses what s/he likes about it. Take turns. You are at the cinema club of your university and a friend of your is talking about their favorite film. Ask questions about The awards Why like it? The importance of the film TASK7
(Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) You are a doctor. A patient visits you about his/her health problems. Greet the patient and ask about his/her problem. problem? When-start? Temperature? Smoke? Advice: some painkillers and cough medicine. Tell him/her not to worry and have a rest. You are really sick. You go to a doctor. Explain your health problems (terrible cough, feel cold) Answer the doctor’s question: Stomach ache since last week Answer all of the questions the doctor asks. Ask: need an X-ray? Thank the doctor. TASK8