Think Outside Yourself Creativity Innovation Entrepreneurship 20 Questions (Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) Think Outside Yourself Think Outside Yourself
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #1. Successful entrepreneurs are often methodical and analytical individuals who carefully plan out what they are going to do and then do it.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #2. The most successful entrepreneurs are born with special characteristics such as high achievement drive and a winning personality, and these traits serve them well in their entrepreneurial endeavors.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #3. Many of the characteristics needed for successful entrepreneurship can be learned through study and experience.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #4. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who invent a unique product or service.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #5. Highly successful entrepreneurs tend to have very little formal schooling.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #6. Most successful entrepreneurs admit that dropping out of school was the best thing they ever did.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #7. Because they are unique and individualistic in their approach to business, most successful entrepreneurs find it hard to socialize with others, they just do not fit in.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #8. Research shows that, although it is important to have adequate financial backing before beginning an entrepreneurial venture, it is often more important to have managerial competence and proper planning.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #9. Successful entrepreneurship is more a matter of preparation and desire than it is luck.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #10. Most successful entrepreneurs do well in their first venture, which encourages them to continue; failures tend to come later, as the enterprise grows.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #11 Entrepreneurs are doers, not thinkers.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #12 Entrepreneurs are as much innovators as they are inventors.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #13 Entrepreneurs are academic and social misfits.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #14 Entrepreneurs are motivated more by their passion than by their pocketbook.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #15 Entrepreneurship is unstructured and chaotic.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #16 Luck plays an important part in an entrepreneur’s success.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #17 Most entrepreneurial initiatives fail.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #18 Entrepreneurs are extreme risk takers and gamblers.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #19 Entrepreneurs implement their ventures with total commitment. They seldom give up even when confronted by obstacles that may often seem insurmountable.
(Hit, Myth or somewhere in between) #20 Entrepreneurs don’t procrastinate. They make decisions measuring prudent risk against expected reward. Their swiftness is a key factor in their success.