ALCTS Webinar RDA Open Forum—Ask the Experts Thursday, February 17, 2011 Erin Stalberg, North Carolina State University Libraries Trina Grover, Ryerson University Library in Toronto Kathryn La Barre, University of Illinois Linda Gabel, OCLC
Question Categories Transcription Description and authority control Conflicts with existing guidelines Testing and training Future of RDA Vendors RDA Toolkit/Manual (Resources only) Submitted questions have been grouped into these categories
I. Transcription Are the ISBD 8 areas of description in RDA? Is ISBD punctuation used in RDA? Trina Grover
I. Transcription Can you explain why RDA is inconsistent with abbreviations? Trina Grover
I. Transcription Since in RDA all creators are treated as equal access points, why differentiate between main and added entries? Trina Grover
I. Transcription Publication date and copyright dates are separate elements in RDA, but if they are the same date should we code them in the DtSt field as “t”? Trina Grover
I. Transcription For non-English items, if the original language is going to be used for cataloging, is romanization a thing of the past? Trina Grover
I. Transcription The staff and patrons in our public library are accustomed to using subfield $h in the 245 field to narrow search results. We are very concerned about this subfield going away and the information being transferred to the new 3xx fields. Is elimination of the $h an optional change, at least until systems are able to display the new 3xx fields more prominently? Trina Grover
I. Transcription What are the benefits of RDA to library customers? I'm particularly interested in how this will help our public library customers. Trina Grover
I. Transcription Appendix D instructs us how to incorporate ISBD Appendix B discusses abbreviations, with a list See RDA 5.5 on including authorized access points for persons when representing works and expressions RDA 2.11 LCPS : always give a copyright date for a single-part monograph if found on the resource See RDA 1.4 for transcribed elements, 5.4 for titles, 8.4 for names
II. Description and authority control What is the purpose of the 3XX fields? Kathryn La Barre
II. Description and authority control How will RDA affect the way series are entered? Kathryn La Barre
II. Description and authority control Please explain the cataloger's choice to list all creator access points (or not) when there are more than three creators. Is this a local (and arbitrary) choice? Are there best practices? Erin Stalberg
II. Description and authority control What’s new in Authority Control with RDA? Trina Grover
II. Description and authority control What is the rationale behind dismantling AACR2 forms of names, since this change does not seem to be mandated by FRBR or new formats being cataloged? Trina Grover
III. Conflicts with existing guidelines I heard that RDA is incompatible with CONSER. What CONSER rules would have to change? Linda Gabel
III. Conflicts with existing guidelines I understand that RDA is incompatible with the single record approach and with the provider-neutral approach to e-resource cataloging. Is this correct? Erin Stalberg Linda Gabel
IV. Testing and Training What kind of training did you have on RDA during the testing period? Erin Stalberg Kathryn La Barre
IV. Testing and Training What went well and what didn't go well with RDA testing in your institution? Erin Stalberg Kathryn La Barre
IV. Testing and Training Who did you ask for help when you had questions and wanted to clarify rules? Erin Stalberg
IV. Testing and Training What are practical methods to start training for RDA if we are ever to implement the new cataloging methods? Kathryn La Barre
IV. Testing and Training Library of Congress particularly: RDA Changes from AACR2 for Texts (Barbara Tillett) NCSU particularly: NCSU RDA Training FAQ University of Chicago Adam Schiff, Changes from AACR2 to RDA A Comparison of Examples
IV. Testing and Training RDA in MARC RDA-L Email address to contact LC for questions about rules eduCAT
V. Future of RDA Are the US national libraries and the RDA testing libraries aware that there is widespread opposition within the cataloging community to the implementation of RDA? Erin Stalberg
V. Future of RDA Is there any chance that libraries could still be allowed to make AACR2 records instead of RDA records if they would rather do that? Erin Stalberg Linda Gabel
V. Future of RDA How will RDA facilitate Linked Open Data functionality? Erin Stalberg Kathryn La Barre
VI. Vendors What questions should we be covering with our ILS vendors? - what do they need to do to accommodate or take advantage of RDA? Linda Gabel
VI. Vendors What is known about vendor plans to implement RDA? Kathryn La Barre
VI. Vendors What are OCLC's plans to support RDA? Linda Gabel
VI. Vendors OCLC Plans Re-examine policy at Connexion changes Links to RDA Toolkit Workforms/macros Systematic evaluation of matching
VI. Vendors Will OCLC continue to support AACR2 cataloging? Linda Gabel
VII. RDA Toolkit/Manual ALA FAQ about Toolkit content: Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) FAQ:
RDA Webinar Series March 2 – RDA and Serials Catalogers: Will Our Work Really Change? (Steve Shadle) March 16 – Linked Library Data: Tuning Library Metadata for the Semantic Web (Corey Harper) April 6 – Preparing Copy Catalogers for RDA (Irina Kandaresheva and Mark Wilson)
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