THE EFFECT OF FAST FOOD ON HEALTH & SOCIETY IN AMERICA I chose this topic because I feel like Americans are relying more on fast foods than preparing their own food. We should all be aware of it and try not to eat them as much as we can Dina Park
What is fast food? Original def. – food that is prepared and served very quickly. Perspective def. – food that easy to eat and being harmful. Examples : McDonalds, Burger king, Popeye's, Taco bell, Pizza Hut and more! So What is fast food? We all known what is fast food. The original def is food that…... However when we say fast food, we think of it as harmful food that we can eat easily and fast
Top 5 Fast food Consuming Countries in the World Rank Country 1 USA 2 France 3 Canada 4 United Kingdom 5 South Korea I focused my research on america because it is the number one country that consumes most fast food. - According to survey from 1950 to 2015
Fast food in America How many restaurants of fast food in America? According to the Google map, there are close to 50,000 fast food chains across the United States, with McDonald's being the largest restaurant chain. In 2015, the chain not only had 14,259 restaurants in the United States, but a further 22,266 in international locations. Fast food in America! READ
The effect of fast food on health: High cholesterol High blood pressure Diabetic Depression Headaches So what are effects of fast food on our body? It may give you high chol….. Some people end up getting diabetic, depression, and commonly headaches
Fried foods cause Prostate cancer Surveyed more than 3,000 men Aged between 35 to 70 Results: 30 to 37 percent higher risk of prostate cancer -Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle One of major fast food is fried foods, and consuming lots of fried food can cause prostate cancer
Super Size Me Documentary film by Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock ate McDonald’s food for 30 days straight.
Why do people consume fast foods? Tasty Inexpensive cost Laziness Environment - Location/Time We all know that fast food is harmful, but why do people still consume fast food? Because….READ
Is it worth it? Fast foods are: loaded with extra calories, trans fats, sodium(salts) and sugars. Related to rate of obesity Obesity has become a worldwide issue The US has been rated the highest. Becoming common not only in adults but, also in children. READ
Distance & Fast Food The location of fast food restaurants can effect number of times you consume fast food. The study shows the distance between the school and fast food restaurants. The closer the fast food restaurants are to the school, the more often students eat them By Janet Currie, Stefano Della Vigna, Enrico Moretti, and Vikram Pathania
Short Term Solutions More activities/Exercise Don’t be lazy Prepare your own food Read food labels AVOID EATING FAST FOOD!
Long Term Solutions Regulate TV food ads that aim children and mandate equal time for pro-nutrition message. Ban fast foods and soft drinks from schools, instead forgoing school contrasts with sports-related companies. Restructure school lunch programs to include more healthy foods.
References @healthline. "13 Effects of Fast Food on the Body." Healthline. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2016. @larryschles. "Would You like to ‘go Large?’ ‘Super Size Me’ and McDonald’s a Decade on." Freshlyworded. N.p., 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2016. Currie, Janet, Stefano Dellavigna, Enrico Moretti, and Vikram Pathania. "The Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity and Weight Gain." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2.3 (2010): 32-63. Web.