UNIVERSITY EXAM: EXAMINATION RULES FOR STUDENTS DO NOT ENTER the exam hall before you are allowed to. Seats are reserved only for students who have registered in WebOodi. From 26th of October if registration is not done in WebOodi (name isn’t on the participants list), exam will be ignored. TURN OFF communication devices. LEAVE communication devices, pencil cases and wrist watches into your bag. LEAVE bags and coats at the side steps of the room. TAKE writing tools, a student/identity card (and tools which are allowed in your specific exam). PICK UP the exam and answer sheets (max 2) from the front table, waiting in line. SIT DOWN on the exam row according to the seating order. EVERY OTHER SEAT is filled. DO NOT TURN papers and DO NOT WRITE on papers. THE EXAM SUPERVISORS WILL GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO START THE EXAM. WHEN LEAVING THE EXAM: WRITE your name, your student number, the course name and code to all papers. SHOW your student /id card to prove your identity. LEAVE all answer sheets (also blank) to the exam supervisors. NOTE! DO NOT DISCUSS WITH OTHER STUDENTS! As a rule, suspected cheating or a student violating against the guidelines of the exam supervisors, leads to the exam being left ungraded. EXAM STARTED AT: A STUDENT MAY LEAVE AT: EXAM ENDS AT: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS