Brussels, 21 November 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Brussels, 21 November 2003

Bridging the Information gap Dr. Annette Doll-Sellen 21 November 2003, Brussels MORE Dr. Annette Doll-Sellen KoWi Brussels, 21 November 2003

MORE Bilateral structures at institutional level between the DFG, MPG and their counterparts in CEE As the Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations in Brussels, we have been active with our project “Fit for Europe“ since the beginning of 2000, as you already know. This project aims at establishing and supporting networks between German and East European scientists which we realise with the money of the German Stifterverband (Donors’ Association for the Promoting of Sciences and Humanities in Germany). With our new project, which is connected to “Fit for Europe“, we are now turning to young researchers from Central and Eastern Europe. Our project MORE aiming at young researchers in CEE is called Mobility for young researchers in Central and Eastern Europe. It comes from existing and working contacts between the DFG and the MPG and their counterparts in CEE: Poland: Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) Poland: State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) Hungary: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) Czech Republic: Czech Science Foundation Slovenia: Slovenian Science Foundation This project also makes for intesifying the contacts of these research organisations. Brussels, 21 November 2003

MORE Mobility for young researchers in Central and Eastern Europe MORE – a project for excellent young researchers from CEEC. MORE informs young researchers from CEEC about German and European programmes. MORE supports Central and Eastern European scientific organisations in their co-operations with German partners. Our project MORE aims at excellent young researchers from CEE who are interested in a European research career. It informs young researchers about German and European programmes which allow them to spend a part of their scientific training abroad and to continue their scientific career in their home country with these gained competencies, but also to advance scientific networks in Europe from their home country. On a second level, MORE thus supports the extension of already existing contacts between research organisations in CEE and in Germany. Brussels, 21 November 2003

MORE One-day-events in CEE to inform young researchers about Funding programmes for young researchers of the DFG, the MPG and their transnational counterparts European funding programmes for young researchers EU funding programmes EU Mobility Portal The first component of MORE is a series of one-day-events in CEE. During one day (e.g. in Warsaw, Prague, Sofia, Budapest, Laibach, Ankara, Riga, Vilnius,Tallinn, Bukarest or Pressburg), we inform young researchers about Funding programmes for young researchers of the DFG, the MPG and their transnational counterparts, European funding programmes for young researchers, EU funding programmes, and the EU Mobility Portal. These events are promoted by the Internet, the venue itself but also by mailing actions which aim directly at young researchers who have already been funded by excellence programmes in CEE. The interested young researchers register electronically, “keyword“ themselves according to their field of interest and get electronic information about European research funding possibilities for young researchers after these events. Brussels, 21 November 2003

MORE One-day-events in CEE to inform young researchers about Funding programmes for young researchers of the DFG, the MPG and their transnational counterparts European funding programmes for young researchers EU funding programmes EU Mobility Portal The one-day-events inform about 1. DFG: Emmy Noether and International Research Training Groups, MPG: International Research Schools and Junior Research Groups, 2. Examples: Advanced Research Fellowship (EPSRC; UK), ACI jeunes chercheuses et jeunes chercheurs (Ministère de la France), Academy Research Fello (Academy of Finland) 3. Marie Curie Actions within the 6th Framework Programme with a budget of 1.6 billion € funding possibilities for training and other career development opportunities for young researchers, 4. and information about the Mobility Portal, that Sigi Gruber has already introduced to you. Brussels, 21 November 2003

MORE Seminars in Germany “How to write a competitive proposal“ First week: seminar in Bonn with tips from the top grantwriting advice to Postdocs and advanced students Second week: individual exploratory phase at German research institutions 2 calls per year for MORE stipends Furthermore, KoWi advertises stipends which give excellent young researchers from CEE twice a year the opportunity to come to Bonn to take part in a seminar on “How to write a competitive proposal“. In the first week, the selected young researchers often have to learn the bad way when it comes to writing a grant application. KoWi in co-operation with German research organisations aim at giving them a helping hand. In a first step, all interesting European programmes will be presented. In a second step, there will be formal grant-writing training. The second week serves as opportunity for the young researchers to prepare their future research stay at a German research institution. Brussels, 21 November 2003

Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Brussels, 21 November 2003