Sexually Transmitted Infections Summary Report Santa Barbara County 2011-2015 Michelle Wehmer, MPH - Epidemiologist Improve the health of our communities by preventing disease, promoting wellness, and ensuring access to needed health care.
**California and US rates and counts are not available when this reports was published 4/8/2016. Michelle Wehmer, MPH
2016 3rd Quarter = 1611 (F 1079, M 532) compared to 1710 cases at Q3 2015; on track to have approximately 150 fewer cases in 2016 (2148 v 2301) Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Rates of female and male 2011-2015 Michelle Wehmer, MPH
SBC Chlamydia Patients, 2015. N=2302 Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Q3 2016 = 226 (100 F, 126 M) compared to Q3 2017 = 232; On track to have 33 fewer cases in 2016 compared to 2017 (301 vs 334) Michelle Wehmer, MPH
HP2020 – for 15-44 age range, 251. 9 cases per 100,000 females and 194 HP2020 – for 15-44 age range, 251.9 cases per 100,000 females and 194.8 cases per 100,000 males Michelle Wehmer, MPH
SBC Gonorrhea Patients, 2015. N=333 Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Q3 2016 = 15 compared to Q3 2015 = 33; on track to have approximately 20 fewer cases in 2016 (20 v 39) Based on the counts at the 3rd Quarter (4 female and 11 male); 2016 estimates Michelle Wehmer, MPH
https://www. healthypeople Michelle Wehmer, MPH
SBC P&S Syphilis Patients, 2015. N=39 Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
In Santa Barbara there have been 1 congenital syphilis case in 2013 (17.4 births per 100,000 live births) and 2015 (17.1 per 100,000 live births) Michelle Wehmer, MPH
1/3-9/24/16 – 2 F, 17 M patients Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
SBC* Newly DX HIV Patients, 2015. N=23 Michelle Wehmer, MPH
SBC Newly Dx HIV/AIDS Cases, 2015 HIV Infection (# AIDS at diagnosis) Quarter 1 (Jan-Mar) 1 (0) Quarter 2 (Apr-June) 9 (4) Quarter 3 (July-Sept) 7 (0) Quarter 4 (Oct-Dec) 6 (1) Total 23 (5) AIDS = HIV-3 Source: Office of AIDS, HARS database. *Resident of SBC at time of diagnosis Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Michelle Wehmer, MPH
Epidemiology Summary Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Early Syphilis are rising significantly in SBC 2016 data suggests that all these trends have peaked, but still high 70% of reported Chlamydia cases are in Females 60% of 2015 Gonorrhea cases were in Males Previously reported cases were equally proportioned across Sex Syphilis has the smallest case numbers but very dramatic increase over past 4 years HIV incidence rates (new cases) are mostly stable over past 4 years Approximately 22% of newly diagnosed HIV cases in 2015 had AIDS at time of diagnosis Michelle Wehmer, MPH
THANK-YOU. Michelle Wehmer, MPH Epidemiologist michelle. wehmer@sbcphd THANK-YOU! Michelle Wehmer, MPH Epidemiologist Improve the health of our communities by preventing disease, promoting wellness, and ensuring access to needed health care.