ENOTHE SPOTeurope Student Representatives
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Name which year of OT why student representative Please fill in your details STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE
CONTENT ENOTHE SPOTeurope What’s in it for you? What can you do? Contact details
EUROPEAN NETWORK OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN HIGHER EDUCATION (ENOTHE). Since1995. Non-profit organisation. Aims to ensure a high quality European education system for OT’s. Aims to improve standards of education, practice and research throughout Europe. Works closely with the Council of Occupational Therapist for the European Countries (COTEC). (ENOTHE, 2017) Non- profit: they are funded by membership subscription and run by volunteers. membership money is used to run the organisation and help it reach its aims Ensuring high quality european education involves flexibility and responding to societal, policy and practice changes. Both ENOTHE and COTEC aim to promote Occupational Therapy as a profession though strong local, national and international partnerships.
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SPOTEUROPE? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/38280665557832906/ Encourage students to either discuss this in pairs/groups or with you, before you explain SPOTeurope. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT SPOTEUROPE?
ABOUT SPOTEUROPE A European network of student Occupational Therapists. Created at the ENOTHE annual meeting. Student gateway to ENOTHE. Provides the opportunity for students across europe to network, share information, challenges and opportunities. (SPOTeurope, 2017) SPOTeurope is the student gateway to ENOTHE, allowing our voices to be heard. This means involvement in SPOT allows our thoughts and opinions on Occupational Therapy education and student engagment to reach ENOTHE. It also mean ENOTHE shares their thoughts with us and seeks our thoughts on these matters. SPOTeurope has several different ways of connecting students, such as the website, thread, blog, facebook and twitter (more on that later).
SPOTEUROPE- NOW & THE FUTURE What we’ve achieved so far: Created a website with resources, blog & online forum. Connecting with students across Europe through Facebook and Twitter. Took part & promoted within ‘Student Meetings’ of ENOTHE conferences. Included in textbook; Grondslagen van de Ergotherapie (Vifde, 2017) (Foundations of Occupational Therapy).
SPOTEUROPE- NOW & THE FUTURE What’s next: http://enothe.eu/students/ Present at ENOTHE Annual Meeting 2017. Recruit country representatives in Universities across Europe. Co-work with ENOTHE to develop an ENOTHE student Board. Increase student engagement with online forum and social media. SPOTeurope’s abstract was accepted to present at this years ENOTHE annual meeting in Zagreb (Croatia). SPOT has previously had representatives attending the student meeting but will be leading it this year. http://enothe.eu/students/
WHY SHOULD I GET INVOLVED? Increase your international network. International opportunities. Make yourself stand out. CPD opportunities. Increase your cultural competence. Learn about different areas of Occupational Therapy. You get to meet and connect with people across Europe, and the world, and learn about different approaches to Occupational Therapy as well as innovative work being done within our profession. Your involvement will make you stand out in the crowd when applying for jobs, funding, or other opportunities. https://giphy.com/gifs/l2JJNjH0Ae6hrvGdq
WHAT CAN I DO? Join the free online forum Keep the forum active! Engage with us on facebook and twitter Let us know about exciting events/news in your area. We’ll promote them! Let us know if you’re involved in an interesting project. We’ll promote you! Be a guest blogger. Talk to your Occupational Therapy friends and colleagues about us. **The key message here is the more people put in to SPOT, the more they will get out of it! ** The forum is a place where members can ask questions, share their stories, join conversations with students across Europe and much more! You can join now by following the link and Registering yourself. It is free and takes just two minutes of your time. Keep it active by posting stories about your activities, placements, course etc and respond to other people’s posts. It can also be used to ask questions or talk about new research/guidelines. We’ll use twitter and FB to update everyone on your forum activity Tag us on facebook and twitter posts, reshare and engage in conversations around our posts (we’ll do the same to you!) We want to hear about the exciting things that OT students, professionals and schools are doing around Europe. If you tell us about them, We’ll promote them. It helps inspire other students and gets your name out there. We’d love to have guest blogs from interesting student projects
CONTACTS website: www.spoteurope.eu Forum: https//www.spoteurope.eu/Otforum/ email: info@spoteurope.eu Facebook: @spoteurope Twitter: @spoteurope http://www.beepzoid.com/old-phones/
REFERENCES ENOTHE, (2017) What is ENOTHE, Available at: http://enothe.eu/enothe/what-is-enothe-2/ (Accessed 17 September 2017) SPOTeurope, (2017) About,’ Available at: https://www.spoteurope.eu/about/ (Accessed 17 September 2017) Vifde, H.D, (2017) Grondslagen van de Ergotherapie. 5th Edn. Holland: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.