CAREER AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (DCE3117) Associate Prof. Dr. Roziah Mohd Rasdi Dept. of Professional Development & Continuing Education Faculty of Educational Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia
Epilogue The stable and linear career system from traditional careers has changed into transitional, fluid type of system. People becoming master of their destiny and they see the world as their oyster. Economic forces and the competitive nature of commerce forced organizations to change the way they treat employees, and forced them to look for different ways of managing careers within and outside the organizational boundaries
Back to Basic The basic roles of HRM are to obtain and retain employees Obtain – findings the right person for organizational needs, the job, the career Retain – is all about career management The nature of employment relationship nowadays has changed: From family organization to team and partnership From patronizing approach to freedom and autonomy, self-managed individuals teams. From stability to dynamism and flexibility From work-focused career to quality of life and search for work/life balance.
Which new career options will be open to the generation cast out by the service industries? Future Trends The answer is problematic for two reasons: The process is still taking place and as with forecasting the future, any suggestion is a risky guess. It is clear that the answer will not be simple, but segmented. There are three possible opportunities that are emerging: E-business, leisure sector and tertiary education sector
Technology, e-business and careers The most significant technological developments influencing careers and employment are concerned with IT. Evidence suggest that more employee have experienced an increase in skills as a result of digitization. The importance of future careers is the changing nature of the skills and competencies required, and in particular the role of intellectual capital. Intellectual capital is the knowledge, information, intellectual property and experience that can be put to use to create wealth and to enhance human welfare (Stewart, 1997).
Technology, e-business and careers E-business grows rapidly among services company. Embarking in e-business means taking the risk that operational changes the accompany it could jeopardize existing relationship with both environments – internal (employees) and external (customer). To successfully navigate career in the e-world people need different skills, the first of which is readiness for extensive change. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) became quite common for people performing repetitive actions with their limbs. In call centre, employees are required to respond to callers following a prescribed procedure and using the same words, they might suffer a Repetitive Brain Injury (RBI).
Life or Working Career? The nature of career system has changed nowadays. In past, career system largely involved planning and managing a relatively passive workforce. For modern systems it different where the emphasis is on developmental processes, where the employee is expected and even encouraged to take an action role, while the organization play the role of facilitator or enabler. From To Control and command system Support and consult system Organizational manpower planning Individual career counseling Managing careers Developing people Training for a qualification Lifelong learning Assigning jobs in succession Coaching, mentoring, pointing out opportunities Retirement with pension at 65 Various ways of employment ending, no age boundaries.
Lesson and challenges to traditional thinking and perceiving career – Three Level Analysis Individual (Navigating uncertainties) Main challenges posed by future career navigating are growing uncertainty, the blurring of boundaries, the diminution of the roles organizations undertake and the lack of secure, stable employment. People should expect no job security, but ensure they have the capacity to acquire new employment. Employment can be gained via training, skills and competencies, and proactive approach towards the labor market. Career success can be related to professionalism, employability and life/work balance. Internal career success is no less important tan external.
Lesson and challenges to traditional thinking and perceiving career – Three Level Analysis Organizations (support, challenge, development, flexibility) The role of organization in planning and management of careers has changed from command and control to the provision of support and guidance, as well as providing the map for the individual to navigate. Flexibility is a key concept and introducing alternative work arrangement is one of the excellent example of what organization can offer. Another form of flexibility can be introduced via establishment of satellite firms. Using ‘best practice’ also advised. Training also important to equip the employee properly with employability
Lesson and challenges to traditional thinking and perceiving career – Three Level Analysis The wider context (demography, globalization, technology, culture – convergence as against divergence) the composition of the population in industrial developed societies is changing Two tendencies co-exist, which led to an escalation of the same phenomenon. The birth rate is declining and life expectancy is increasing. An alarming element in business life is the tendency to allow people to leave the active labor market even before normal retirement age.
Lesson and challenges to traditional thinking and perceiving career – Three Level Analysis Due to the low birth rate there are few options for replacement an ensuring growth. Many developed countries have to rely on cheap labor in the global market and sometimes this creates sociological and cultural problems. Cultural differences have strong influences on how career are managed and have impact on the meaning of career and career success.