2017-2018 Florida Standards Alternate Assessment Performance Task 2017-2018 FSAA-PT and Datafolio Yvonne Leon Instructional Supervisor ESE Compliance
2017-2018 Florida Standards Alternate Assessment Performance Task FSAA Overview
The Florida Assessment Program Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) FSAA ~25,000 students FSAA—Performance Task ~24,200 FSAA—Datafolio ~800 Provide an overview of the Florida Assessment program and the total number of students administered (Spring 2017)
FSAA Datafolio Performance Task The Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA-PT) will include two separate components for the 2017-18 school year. Students will participate in alternate assessment either through the FSAA-PT—Performance Task or through the FSAA-Datafolio.
2017-2018 FSAA-Performance Task Overview Administered to each student individually by the student’s teacher, a certified teacher, or other licensed professional who has worked extensively with the student and is trained in the assessment procedures Designed to show student mastery of Florida Standards Access Points and Next Generation Sunshine State Access Points Students typically select an answer to a question from three response options represented by pictures, text, numbers, and/or symbols Students use their primary mode of communication The FSAA-PT is administered to each student individually by the student’s teacher, a certified teacher, or other licensed professional who has worked extensively with the student and is trained in the assessment procedures. This assessment is designed to show student mastery of Florida Standards Access Points Students typically select an answer to a question from three response options represented by pictures, text, numbers, and/or symbols in a Response Booklet Students use their primary mode of communication to respond to questions We will be discussing the PT in detail today…..
2017-2018 FSAA-Datafolio Overview For students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who typically do not have a formal mode of communication and are working at pre-academic levels Designed to show student progress on a continuum of access toward academic content rather than mastery of academic content FSAA-Datafolio Key Points Focus on access to (not mastery of) standards Focus on increased accuracy and independence Measures student growth over time Student compared only to self, not larger peer group Designed to reflect/incorporate classroom activities
2017-2018 FSAA-Datafolio Overview For students being assessed via Datafolio, teachers submit student work samples across three collection periods throughout the school year Samples are teacher-developed from typical classroom activities/tasks that are aligned to Access Point Standards Student evidence from all three collection periods is submitted by the teacher via an online system and independently scored to determine the student’s progress
Assessment Participation Checklist Who should be assessed with the FSAA? Individual IEP teams are responsible for determining whether students with disabilities will be assessed through administration of the general statewide standardize assessments or instructed in access points and assessed via the FSAA IEP teams will use the Assessment Participation Checklist to make this determination We will now discuss participation guidelines for the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment. Who should be assessed with the FSAA? A student's Individual Educational Plan team, is responsible for determining if a student will be instructed on AP and assessed with the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment. The IEP team should consider the student’s present level of educational performance. IEP teams should use the questions in the Assessment Participation Checklist to determine if the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment is appropriate for the student. The IEP team should also be knowledgeable of appropriate testing accommodations. Remember: parents must provide signed consent to have their student instructed in Access Points and assessed using the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment For questions on participation criteria, contact your district’s alternate assessment coordinator.
Assessment Participation Checklist page5 The IEP team should use these 3 questions to determine if the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment is appropriate for the student. All 3 questions MUST be answered YES for the Florida Alternate Assessment to be an appropriate meaningful evaluation of the student.
Datafolio Checklist This is an additional checklist available in the 2017-2018 Datafolio Teacher Resource Guide, pages 4-5. This is another tool available to help the IEP team determine which component of the FSAA is most appropriate for the student.
2017-2018 Florida Standards Alternate Assessment Datafolio Important Dates
FSAA-Datafolio Important Dates - Revised Due to Hurricane Irma, the state has revised the dates for Collection periods 1 and 2, as well as the goal setting. If a student transfers or is deemed eligible after collection period #1 we can still collect evidence we just need to process a late registration form. If anyone has a case like that contact the AAC For Late registration after Collection Period #1 – Contact the Alternate Assessment Coordinator (AAC) – Yvonne Leon : Yvonneleon@dadeschools.net
2017-2018 Florida Standards Alternate Assessment Performance Task Important Dates
FSAA-PT Important Dates Elementary and Middle School page8 FSAA-PT Important Dates Elementary and Middle School FSAA-PT Important Dates High School
Contents and Grades Assessed page12 Contents and Grades Assessed Grade Level ELA Math Science Algebra 1 EOC Geometry Biology 1 Civics USH 3 X 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High School Align to general education assessments in FL
Reminders Each school should have designated a School Level Coordinator (SLC) – Weekly Briefing # 21755 Previously trained teachers must complete training modules as per Weekly Briefing #21799 FSAA Performance Task Face-to-Face Training October 27, 2017 Adhere to Test Security Policies and Procedures in Procedural Manual Procedure for Soiled Documents
2017-2018 Florida Standards Alternate Assessment Performance Task Contact Information
Yvonne Leon, Instructional Supervisor Alternate Assessment Coordinator (AAC) Department of Exceptional Student Education Phone: 305-995-2735 E-mail: yvonneleon@dadeschools.net Mary Paz, Executive Director Phone: 305-995-2707 E-mail: mpaz@dadeschools.net