ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements In Romania, all aviation stakeholders (air operators, ANSP, training organizations) have been informed about the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements
Implementation of LPRs into national legislation Pilots RoCAA licensing inspectors have participated in JAA working groups for amending JAR-FCL 1 and 2. Subsequently, PIAC-LPN (procedures and instructions for the implementation of JAR-FCL requirements) was developed to meet the LPRs set out in JARs JAR-FCL 1- for aeroplane pilots JAR-FCL 2 – for helicopter pilots ATCOs RACR-LCTA (transposition of EC23/2006 into licensing national regulations) PIAC-LCTA (RoCAA procedures and instructions for the implementation of RACR-LCTA requirements)
Minimum level of language proficiency for ab initio training All pilots and ATCOs are tested before they begin their ab initio training using various methods of testing at upper intermediate level. For example, the FEAST test for ATCOs and English tests developed by FTOs
LPRs Focal point Romania has nominated two contact persons (one for pilots and one for ATCOs) within the Romanian CAA responsible for all matters related to LPRs
National plan of implementation of ICAO LPRs Romania published on the ICAO web-page a statement of full compliance before 5th March 2008
English language training to meet and maintain ICAO level 4 and above Pilots Self study training packages (eg CBTs and on-line training) and training courses within Romanian air operators ATCOs English courses abroad at three colleges in the UK (Mayflower, Anglo-Continental and MLS) as well as in-house training within ANSP. The three colleges in the UK were inspected and the training programmes were accepted by the RoCAA
Resources for LPR implementation Pilots Human resources in the RoCAA – accredited testing personnel (ELEs and pilots) and licensing inspectors who develop national regulations and procedures regarding LPR implementation Financial resources – testing personnel has been adequately trained ATCOs Human resources in the ANSP - testing personnel accredited by EUROCONTROL (ELEs and ATCOs) and in the RoCAA - licensing inspectors who develop national regulations and procedures regarding LPR implementation ELEs within RoCAA will participate in the ELPAC Accreditation Workshop this year in September
Language proficiency testing PILOTS Testing is carried-out within the RoCAA with accredited raters and interlocutors using the ALPHA TANGO test developed by Global Aviation Language Ltd in the UK ATCO’s Testing is carried-out within ANSP with accredited raters and interlocutors using the ELPAC test developed by EUROCONTROL The ELPAC testing is supervised by the RoCAA
Approved programme of accreditation of testing personnel Requirements concerning the accreditation of testing personnel are found in: JAR-FCL 1 and 2, PIAC-LPN for pilots RACR-LCTA, PIAC-LCTA and ELPAC Guidelines for ATCOs
Testing personnel All raters and interlocutors involved in the process of testing for language proficiency attend regular (at least once every 2 years) refresher courses
Number of pilots and ATCOs with level 4 All 800 pilots have been tested and 65% have obtained ICAO level 4 ATCOs All 570 ATCOs have been tested and 70% have obtained ICAO level 4