R&D of neutrino beam production for future (Multi-)MW proton facility:


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Presentation transcript:

R&D of neutrino beam production for future (Multi-)MW proton facility: Superconducting Magnet Safety System (MSS) Jean-Paul CHARRIER CEA SACLAY – DSM / DAPNIA / SIS 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

2. Specification, Realization T2K MSS : 1. Principle 2. Specification, Realization 3. Monitoring, Settings, Control 4. Cost, Manpower, Schedule 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Coil = Magnet Power supply = Current generator Coil Magnet i 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Needs increase Superconducting magnets Higher magnetic field Some Tesla Field proportional to current Higher current Some kA Joule heating Conductor heating + energy use Heat removal Coil size + cost Not compatible with experiments size Superconducting magnets T = 1.8 to 4 K R = 0  no conductor heating … … if all goes well (except junctions : n) 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Superconducting state : conditions Critical current Critical temperature Critical magnetic field T < Tc i < ic H < Hc NbTi Nb3Sn Superconducting state R = 0 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Transition of a superconductor Transition from the superconducting to the resistive (or normal) state or quench R  0 Joule heating, local, then global (if propagation) Conductor and magnet destruction Unusable experiment Repair sometimes impossible 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Objective of the MSS Detection and Security actions 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Example of electrical circuit Dump resistor Switch Cryostat T2K: 20 mΩ i 300 K 4.5 K Power supply T2K: 30V / 8 000A (DC) Items to protect: Current lead Magnet Superconducting bus (or bus bar) 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Discharge of a coil into a resistor iPS = 0 L r i vRd Rd PS Beginning of the discharge: Example: 8 T Magnet (test magnet for Neurospin) i = 885 A L = 44 H E ~ 17.2 MJ (CMS : E ~ 2600 MJ) Rd = 2.6 Ω vRd ~ -2300 V High voltage Isolation T2K beam line: 2.6 T ; 18.6 T/m i = 7345 A L = 400 mH E ~ 11 MJ Rd = 20 mΩ vRd ~ -150 V Not so high Isolation 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Superconducting bus quench detection v = r.i r i 100 mV threshold MSS 100 mV threshold Power supply shutdown Switch opening Superconducting bus: voltage = 0 V Beam shutdown + 100 mV and -100 mV if the current can flow in both directions. Not in T2K case. Threshold = 100 mV (But useful in case of cabling error) 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Current lead protection v = r.i 100 mV threshold i r MSS 100 mV threshold Power supply shutdown Switch opening Resistive current lead: voltage ~ 80 mV max Beam shutdown + 100 mV and -100 mV if the current can flow in both directions. Not in T2K case. Threshold = 100 mV (But useful in case of cabling error) 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Magnet quench detection r 100 mV threshold MSS Power supply shutdown Switch opening not so simple ! NO Beam shutdown 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

Exceeds the thresholds False detections during current variations T2K MSS : Coil charging iPS i r L vPS v PS ~ vPS – voltage drops Superconducting : r = 0 v ~ a few volts Exceeds the thresholds False detections during current variations 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

= 0 if voltages are balanced Does not disturb quench detection T2K MSS : Balancing i r1 v1 v2 L1 r2 L2 = 0 if superconducting = 0 if voltages are balanced Does not disturb quench detection 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Balanced voltage i r1 v1 v2 L1 r2 L2 Assumption : i > 0 2 thresholds of opposite signs Quench on L1 side Quench on L2 side v > 0 v < 0 threshold > 0 threshold < 0 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Magnet quench detection r1 v1 v2 L1 v1 – v2 r2 L2 +100 mV -100 mV thresholds Heaters activation Power supply shutdown Switch opening Superconducting magnet: v1 - v2 = 0 V Beam shutdown + 100 mV and -100 mV even if the current flows in only one direction. Threshold 1 = +100 mV Threshold 2 = -100 mV 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : time Level (voltage) time threshold T1 < time threshold level threshold Detection no yes 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

2. Specification, Realization T2K MSS : 1. Principle 2. Specification, Realization 3. Monitoring, Settings, Control 4. Cost, Manpower, Schedule 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Electrical circuit 28 combined function superconducting magnets (dipole and quadrupole in one magnet) 14 cryostats (2 magnets per cryostat) Magnets in serial Focusing and Defocusing magnet Cold diode magnet protection Necessity of a MSS (Magnet Safety System) 6 correction magnets (not on this scheme) Power Supply Current lead Superconducting bus 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : MSS functions / specifications Main functions Detection Main magnets quench detection, 100 mV / 10 ms Bus bars quench detection, 100 mV / 10 ms Current leads protection, 100 mV / 100 ms Corrector magnets quench detection, 400 mV / 10 ms Security actions Beam shut down, Power supplies shut down, Heaters activation. 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : MSS functions / specifications Complementary function Data acquisition (analog parameters) DAQ1 DAQ2 Origin of measurements Magnet system Corrector magnets Number of channels 61 32 Acquisition frequency 10 kHz Total record length 100 s Input range +/- 10 V High voltage Withstand voltage : 500 V DC (Cables, connectors and detection board inputs) 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Synoptic overview of the MSS Analog signals Logic signals MEASUREMENT and DETECTION SAFETY LOGIC ACQUISITION Logic outputs Logic inputs Analog inputs INSTALLATION Magnets, power supplies, heaters, beam, cryogenics Acquisition PC Racks PC Isolation 2000 V max. Functional Isolation 250 V MSS Ethernet 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Synoptic overview of the MSS Analog signals Logic signals MEASUREMENT and DETECTION SAFETY LOGIC ACQUISITION Logic outputs Logic inputs Analog inputs INSTALLATION Magnets, power supplies, heaters, beam, cryogenics Acquisition PC Racks PC Isolation 2000 V max. Functional Isolation 250 V World FIP (Field Bus) Local Monitoring PC MSS Ethernet 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : MSS Architecture LIC AIC Triggers Rack 2 Front SLC2 MDC2 SLC1 MDC1B MDC1A Rack 1 PS2 PS1B PS1A DAQ1 DAQ2 AC security and distribution Analog inputs Magnet System Logic outputs Logic inputs 48 V DC 500 V isolation Fans Power Supply 100 V / 50 Hz Acquisition PC UPS Local monitoring PC Ethernet 100 V WorldFIP (Field bus) Analog Interface Acquisition Power supplies 100 V AC  48 V DC Logic Interface Measurement - Detection Safety Logic To remote monitoring PC 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Protection crates QD01 QD02 QD03 QD04 QD05 QD06 QD07 QD08 QD09 QD10 QD11 QD12 Power supplies 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MDC1A SFIP QD13 QD14 BB CL CQD1_2 CQD3_4 CQD5_6 MDC1B QD01_02 QD03_04 QD05_06 QD07_08 QD09_10 QD11_12 QD13_14 BBR CLR CQD1_2R CQD3_4R CQD4_5R MDC2 48 inputs Configuration Treatment Logic 48 outputs SLC2 SLC1 Measurement and Detection Crates Safety Logic Crates Redundancy 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Quench detection boards (MD200) Measurement Analog inputs Voltage scaling, filtering and isolation (2000 V) Analog outputs For copying to the acquisition system Detection Fault detection with : Level thresholds, Time thresholds 22 cm 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Detail of the principle for 2 cryostats Magnet D Magnet F Beam Current 3 MD200 boards for 2 cryostats →21 boards for 14 cryostats Detection Measurement : analog outputs : logical outputs Cryostat 3 Cryostat 4 = Junction Board 3 Board 4 Board 3_4 (redundancy) + - Connection box 3 with protection resistors 3 high voltage cables with 2 shielded pairs each Connection box 4 with protection resistors 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Logic boards Treatment board : DX96 Receive and memorize the faults of the installation especially : magnet quenches Command the main security action Beam shut down. DX96 board 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

Updated into LS100 for T2K MSS T2K MSS : Logic boards Safety logic board : LS100 Receive the faults of the installation Command the security actions Power supplies shut down, Heaters activation. Send information to the Cryogenics Quench Detection, Fast Discharge. Send information to the Power Supplies Triggers the Acquisition systems Determine the status of the MSS (OK or not) Gather and display important information Manage the MSS acknowledge Example : LS96 board Updated into LS100 for T2K MSS 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Logic boards overview EO48 Board Logic inputs SO48 Board Logic outputs DX96 Board Treatment and memorization LS100 Board Safety logic (Isolated) On this scheme, configuration boards and backplanes are not drawn 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Example of MSS : W7X test facility Safety Logic Measurement and Detection Redundancy (Example with the previous generation of electronic boards) 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

2. Specification, Realization T2K MSS : 1. Principle 2. Specification, Realization 3. Monitoring, Settings, Control 4. Cost, Manpower, Schedule 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Communication : FIP and SPI Monitoring PC Local Logic signals MEASUREMENT and DETECTION Logic outputs Logic inputs Analog inputs WorldFIP Bus SPI Bus Detected faults = SAFETY LOGIC SFIP Board Settings Control Monitoring Ethernet 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Human-Machine Interface (Labview) Example for a test facility in Saclay 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

+ Crates Power Supplies (+ 5 V, +/-15 V, etc…) T2K MSS : Monitoring Analog monitoring Logic monitoring Input voltages Balanced voltages Temperatures + Crates Power Supplies (+ 5 V, +/-15 V, etc…) 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

Analog output offsets and gains T2K MSS : Settings Thresholds Balance Analog output offsets and gains For T2K MSS, thresholds and balance settings will not use software settings, but hardware settings with a screwdriver. 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Control Board functions checking Thresholds Fault simulation Possible without really triggering security actions Thresholds Actions Without disconnecting the MSS from the installation Board functions checking 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

2. Specification, Realization T2K MSS : 1. Principle 2. Specification, Realization 3. Monitoring, Settings, Control 4. Cost, Manpower, Schedule 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC

T2K MSS : Cost 204 k€ (hardware) Manpower 8 man-year + a lot of work (specification, software, previous realization, tests) already done for other Magnet Safety Systems, by many people in CEA SACLAY – DSM / DAPNIA / SIS Schedule 2004: First preliminary specification 2005-2006: Requirements specification / Preliminary definition 2007: Detailed definition / Realization in CEA - Saclay 2008: Shipment / Tests at J-PARC 2009: Commissioning 2007, May 9th - Jean-Paul Charrier - FJPPL'07 Workshop (KEK) - T2K MSS - Superconducting Magnet Safety System - DAPNIA/SIS/1136/07/JPC