Back to School .
School is the place where children
Put in the missing letters Bo..kshelf, b..g,, comp..ter, black bo..rd, te..cher’s t..ble, po..ter, p..n, sc..ol b..g, cl..s,, t..tbook.
Check yourselves Bookshelf, bag, desk, computer, black board, teacher’s table, poster, pen, school bag, clips, notepad, textbook.
Name the lesson
Name the lesson (English)
Name the lesson
Name the lesson (Maths)
Name the lesson
Name the lesson (Science)
Put the letters into right order SOYHTIR
Put the letters into right order TRA
Put the letters into right order EGAHGORPY
What is your favorite subject? My favourite subject is … Russian English Maths Literature Art PE Music Handicraft Science
Match the subjects with the activities Russian draw and paint pictures Literature run, ski and play games Art do sums English translate new words PE learn poems by heart Maths write compositions