JRA1 (Middleware) Overview Frédéric Hemmer EGEE Middleware Manager EGEE is proposed as a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 1
Middleware Re-engineering (JRA1) Goals and Objectives Provide robust, supportable middleware components Select, re-engineer, integrate identified Grid Services Evolve towards Services Oriented Architecture Adopt emerging OGSI standards Multiple platforms Selection of Middleware based on requirements of The applications (Bio & HEP) In particular requirements are expected from LCG’s ARDA & HepCALII The Operations E.g. deployment, updates, packaging, etc.. Support and evolve of the middleware components Evolve towards OGSI Define a re-engineering process Address multiplatform, multiple implementations and interoperability issues Define defect handling processes and responsibilities JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 2
JRA1 Overall Approach Support the components from PM 0 Start with LCG-2 code base as used in April’04 Evolve towards OGSI Allow for component per component deployment Aim at continuous Integration and Testing Avoid big-bang releases Allow for selected components to be deployed and used Leverage on SPI Tools Common Tools with LCG Nightly Builds Nightly Tests The two major software release deliverables are snapshots Defined base for reviews Quality Assurance Use Q&A processes and methods as defined by JRA2 JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 3
JRA1: Some issues to be addressed Reliability and resilience Allow for failure free operations for long periods Avoiding manually restarts Robustness Be able to handle abnormal situations Ensure some level of fault tolerance Security Restricted access to resources including data Comply to security infrastructure Scalability Scale up to requirements defined by Operations (SA1) Maintainability, usability, supportability Documentation, packaging, defect handling processes,…. Standardization and service orientation Comply to OGSA/OGSI Ensure interoperability with other implementations JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 4
Milestones Summer Holidays Period End of year Milestone Month MJRA1.1 Description MJRA1.1 M3 06-2004 Tools for middleware engineering and integration deployed MJRA1.2 Software cluster development and testing infrastructure available MJRA1.3 M5 08-2004 Integration and testing infrastructure in place including test plans (Rel 1) MJRA1.4 M9 12-2004 Software for the Release Candidate 1 MJRA1.5 M10 01-2005 Integrated Release Candidate 1 enters testing and validation period (Rel 1) MJRA1.6 M18 09-2005 Test plan for core Grid components and overall Integration (Rel 2) MJRA1.7 M19 10-2005 Software for the second release candidate available MJRA1.8 M20 11-2005 Release Candidate 2 enters testing and validation period (Rel 2) End of year JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 5
Deliverables PM9 12-2004 First EU Review PM18 09-2005 Second EU Review Summer Holidays Period Deliverable Month Nature Description DJRA1.1 M3 06-2004 (Document) Architecture and Planning (Release 1) DJRA1.2 M5 08-2004 Design of grid services (Release 1) DJRA1.3 M12 03-2005 (Software) Software and associated documentation (Release 1) DJRA1.4 M14 05-2005 Architecture and Planning (Release 2) DJRA1.5 M15 06-2005 Design of grid services (Release 2) DJRA1.6 M21 01-2006 Software and associated documentation (Release 2) DJRA1.7 M24 03-2006 Final report PM9 12-2004 First EU Review PM18 09-2005 Second EU Review End of year JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 6
Architecture Team Defines architecture and planning A draft of System Requirements, Architecture, short list of middleware components should be available shortly after project start Takes input from Applications and Operations Define the list of components to be re-engineered Documents established agreements with providers Each software cluster has an architect JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 7
Engineering Management Team Middleware Engineering Process Management Ensure Software clusters follow Architecture & Design rules Ensure adherence to Software Engineering Process Composed of Middleware Manager Chief Architect Implementation group Manager Implementation clusters Managers Integration & Testing Manager Quality & Documentation person JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 8
JRA1: Management Structure JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 9
What needs to be done as from now Fill in the names in the Organization structure Proposed names for CERN: Maite Baroso (Test & Integration Mgr), Erwin Laure (Implementation Mgr), Alberto Aimar (Tools), Leanne Guy (Testing), Peter Kunszt (Data management) … Italy: Francesco Prelz (Cluster Manager, Architect), Massimo Sgaravatto (Deputy Implementation Manager), Stefano Beco (Deputy Project Manager), Fabrizio Pacini (Architect), Francesco Giacomini (QA) UK: Robin Middleton (Project Manager), Steve Fisher (technical Manager) Security: Fredrik Hedman (Cluster Manager) Fill in the names for Architecture Group Engineering Management Team QA group Security Group Define the processes and associated documents Structures, Staff and Processes must be in place for April’04 JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 10
More details In the morning on In the afternoon Architecture Team QA Group Security Group In the afternoon Tools Implementation Testing & Integration EMT JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 11
Inter-JRA’s: Clarifications needed JRA1/JRA2 Tools Quality Guidelines Development Guide(s) Acceptance Procedures JRA1/JRA3 Security How is Nordic Cluster organized JRA1/JRA4 Code produced & integration JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 12
Other points to be addressed in the near future JRA1: Current Software - organise continued support for software currently deployed on LCG service by identifying the groups responsible for each module. Establish composition of engineering management board and architecture group Assess the suitability of the GT3 as a OGSI implementation taking into account the list of selection criteria previously established. Clarify plans for the suggested "pilot project" to investigate an OGSI based prototype grid Middleware suite Software Clusters (CERN, Italy, NEG, UK) to clarify plans for their development, integration and testing testbeds in terms of scale, sites and support. Deployment: understand what tools and mechanisms will be used for software packaging and distribution Clarify the relationship with fabric mgmt software and what is expected from it compared to grid Middleware. JRA2 (all points in discussion with JRA1, JRA3): Clarify which parts of LCG SPI can be reused in EGEE. Produce templates for all deliverables, and other important documents of the project. Produce schedule for review of deliverables in PM1-3 including identifying activities that should provide reviewers and moderators. Expand all steps of software development process to clarify what artifacts are to be produced, when and by which groups. Establish composition, management and organization of the Quality assessment group (QAG) Understand what training will be necessary for the software process and tools and establish a training schedule in conjunction with NA3.. JRA3: Need to clarify role of VOMS with INFN and who will support it (not clear in Technical Annex). Establish process and sources of input for requirements survey (MJRA3.1, PM3) Define role, scope organization composition and management of the European Grid Policy Management Authority (PMA) (MJRA3.2, PM3) Clarify the relationship between the PMA and the grid policy forum to be established by NA5. While it is not scheduled until PM4, the content of MJRA3.3 (OGSA SEC service initial recommendations for re-engineering) will probably affect JRA1, and SA1 and hence its implications needs to be clarified as early as possible. JRA4: Clarify if any software will produced and if so understand the relationship with JRA1 & JRA3. Note: currently this activity has n o milestone or deliverable before PM6 - this does not follow the recommendations of the project and EU who would like to see some output at PM3. JRA Organization Meeting 28 October 2003 - 13