4 X More Likely To Complete College KC Scholars: Kauffman Foundation Serve more across a broad region Financially predictable Utilize a community-engaged process July 2015 NCAN as consultant 5 Committees and Workgroups December 2015
KC Scholars – Your Future: Our Future Resident of six-county service area: - Kansas – Wyandotte and Johnson - Missouri – Cass, Clay, Jackson, and Platte Public, charter, private, and home-schooled 3. Low- and modest-income – Expected Family Contribution of ≤ $12,000
Three Components 1. Traditional scholarship (minimum 250 new recipients per year) 11th grade application; 12th grade preparation support Up to $10K per year for up to five years (after 12th grade) College advising, on-campus supports, remote coaching 2. Adult learner scholarship (minimum 200 new recipients per year) Age 24+ with at least 12 earned college credits Up to $5K per year for up to five years (once admitted) KC Degrees, on-campus supports, remote coaching 3. College savings match (1,000 accounts seeded; 50 new recipients per year) 9th grade application and acceptance 4:1 match (up to $5K from KCS) on college 529 savings (after 12th grade) Financial literacy and college advising; $2K in additional incentives
Demographics of College Savings Account Recipients 255 college savings account seeded from 56 high schools 70% first generation college students 72% from underrepresented communities 80% GPA between 3.0 and 4.0 72% have EFC of $4,000 or less 70 in match and incentive program from 38 high schools 66% first generation college students 60% from underrepresented communities 95% GPA between 3.0 and 4.0 and 31% have a 4.0 81% have EFC of $4,000 or less
What Advise Others/Serving Low-income Examine and learn from other programs Clearly know what your goal is – we went from 50 to 1,000 Consider the geographic service region – county distribution How are you defining low-income? Application process aligned with goal – essay Q about saving Collaborators – Acensus, American Century, State Treasurers (who are they, work with them well in advance) Early and broad outreach, and with counselors and parents Match of 4:1 and $2,000 incentive Required Orientation, and account holder, in June FAFSA4caster education and completion assistance Will be educating the larger community Consider evaluation and how you will demonstrate impact