Reproduction Patterns Population Dynamics Reproduction Patterns
This is typically called life-history patterns. In order to understand how an organism functions and its role in the environment, scientists study their reproduction patterns. This is typically called life-history patterns. There are two types of life-history patterns Rapid life-history Slow life-history
Rapid Life-History This represents organism found in a rapidly changing environment. These organisms are typically going to: Have a small body Mature rapidly Reproduce early Short lifespan They reproduce rapidly, and then when environmental factors, such a temperature, change then most die out. The small part left alive will reproduce exponentially again when the conditions are right. Ex: bacteria, some plants, insects, etc.
Slow Life-History Represents organisms found in mostly stable environments. These organisms are typically going to: Reproduce and mature slowly (years instead of months) Long-lived Maintain the population at or near carrying capacity Ex. Bears, humans, deer, trees, etc.
Population Density as a Limiting Factor There are three types of dispersion for organisms There are two types of density limiting factors Density dependent Density independent Uniform Random Clumped
Density Dependent Limiting Factors These are going to be things that happen because organism are living too close together. These include things such as: Disease Competition Predators Parasites Food
Density Independent Limiting Factors These factors are going to affect organisms regardless of how closely they live to each other and other organisms. Most are abiotic factors. They include: Temperature Storms Drought Chemicals Destruction to habitat