Week 1 – Introduction to Unit Unit 3 – Law for Business Week 1 – Introduction to Unit
Discussion What does the Legal system mean to you? What do you know about the law making process in the UK?
What the unit covers Civil and Criminal Courts; their structure, role, operation and alternate methods of dispute resolution Legal advice and funding and legal personnel Sources of law and interpretation Legal personalities with emphasis on business entities
How you will learn Input from tutor Guest speakers Learner research Visits including; The Law courts in London to hear real life cases The Houses of Parliament to see where laws are made
What's the difference? Criminal Civil
Hierarchy of the court system
Legal personnel
Statutory Law
Research activity to be completed for next session How many courts do you know? Are these courts civil/criminal or both?
Research activity Find a definition of the word ‘Precedent’ Find a diagram of the UK court structure and complete a detailed write up encompassing; roles, responsibility, jurisdiction and personnel of the diff. courts
Research Activity Identify a recent piece of legislation and analyse the impact this has had on UK business – you will present this to the rest of the group next session as a seminar paper
Further Reading Read chapter 1 – The English Legal System; Jaqueline Martin; Hodder Education; 6th Edition; 2010