Amazing English
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He began acting in 2004 with a role on CSL:Miami, and has since appeared in more than 20 films: Step up, Dear John, She`s the Man, Son of No One, Fighting.
It is located in London , the capital of the United Kingdom It is located in London , the capital of the United Kingdom. It is the bell within the clock tower that rises above the Houses of Parliament, which is adjacent to the River Thames in central London
Grammar Animals Traditions 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 Country studying 10 20 30 40 50
10.A celebration that is associated with childbirth. Shildehana
20.What does mean beshbarmak? Five fingers
Suyіnshі 30. -a custom according to which a traveller or any other person who brought home a good message (news) receives a valuable gift from the owners in gratitude
40.Describe these pictures
50. What are the traditional games in these pictures?
(the/ -/-) 10. People can’t live on__ moon. My __teacher’s name is __Robert.
20. Сөздерді ретімен қойып, сөйлем құрастыр. Not has James his homework finished James has not finished his homework
Do – did – done 30. Complete a number of irregular verbs: Do -….-….
40.What do you call your aunt’s daughter? cousin
Ham 50.Choose the extra word: ham, sister, uncle, niece
Green and long With many teeth. Beautiful smile - It's ... (A crocodile)
20.It sleeps in the day-time, It flies at night And frightens passers-by.
30. HORSE I have 4 legs and a long tail. I like to run fast. I let you ride on my back. I eat hay.
40. Match the name of the animal and its description. The animal is afraid of everything. The animal has a very bushy tail. The animal sleeps all winter in a den. He has a beautiful yellow skin with black stripes. She carries her babies in a pouch. The animal can live without water for a long time. The animal with a white skin and black stripes. The animal has long hair around its neck. Fox Camel Zebra Bear Rabbit Kangaroo Lion Tiger
50. Finish the saying As fat as … As heavy as … As quite as … As slow as …
What is the capital of England? 10 What is the capital of England? London
20. There are ___ states in the USA. 50
14 30. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
40.The United Kingdom includes…. Wales Scotland England Northern Ireland
50. This government recognized Kazakhstan on 16 December 1991, being the first state to recognize the independence of Kazakhstan , when Kazakhstan declared its independence Turkey
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