Warm Up # 18 What do you think that the following quote means?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up # 18 What do you think that the following quote means? How do you think that it applies to the Industrial Revolution? “Necessity (need) is the mother of all invention”

Beginnings of Industrialism Pg. 11

Essential Question What events lead to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?

The Beginning of Change: Agricultural Revolution Private ownership and inefficiency led to enclosure movement Allowed landowners to fence of property Faming starts to be seen as money making venture New techniques developed to increase production Profits from farming enabled investment in new industries

The Beginnings of Change: Industrial Needs Capital Money to invest in new machinery and factories Natural Resources (land) Water (transportation) Coal Iron Raw materials Labor Large, local population to work in factories Great Britain and Germany first to industrialize

The Beginnings of Change: Textile Industry Demand for colorful, cool, cotton cloth grows by 1700 Domestic system can’t meet demand, new ideas are needed

1760 – Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves

1787 Power Loom Edmond Cartwright

1793 – Cotton Gin Eli Whitney

1760s – Steam Engine James Watt

New industries and machines increase demand for Iron and Steel New steel refining strategies developed People began paving roads Improved drainage – crushed gravel

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Warm Up # 19 What are the 3 things that a country needs in order to industrialize. What is the importance of each?

Essential Question What events lead to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?

The Growth of Industry Great Britain tried to keep its industrial developments a secret Prevented inventors from leaving the country 1789: Samuel Slater, in disguise, snuck on ship to the U.S. Profit to be made by explaining industrialization = Intellectual Property Until late 1800s only Great Britain, France, U.S. and Germany industrialized.

Growth of Industry: New Terms Capitalism: free enterprise. Economic system where individuals and firms, not the government, own the means of production. land, machinery, workplace Industrial Capitalism: Continually expanding factories and new investments. Using profits from one business to create/expand another

Mass Production: Using Machines to replace human labor. Makes production faster, easier, and cheaper Interchangeable Parts: identical parts that could be exchanged from one machine to another. Made production faster and easier Division of Labor (Specialization): Breaking down production into specific tasks instead of making an entire product. Allows worker to focus on one task

The Growth of Industry The Growth of Industry Other innovations: Electricity (Thomas Edison) Communications (Samuel Morse) Engines (Rudolf Diesel; Wright Bros)

Essential Question What events lead to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?