Mrs. Starkovich’s Reminders Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week 509-649-4736 Kindergarten Newsletter October 3rd- 7th Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week Reading: The book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? will help us learn the sound of long “e” and the sight word “see.” We will begin working on recall of colors, story sequence and characters. Letter Ee as in eel and wheel will be our Letter of the Week Math: We will use the math vocabulary more than and less then this month to compare two unifix cube trains. We will also be adding with in 5. Writing: The kiddos had super stories last week! Keep building the bank of ideas as you have family experiences. Science/Social Studies: Kelso the Frog and Mr. Abraham will be back on Monday to teach us more about good choices. Focus: Hands to self Please REMEMBER: RED STUDENT BUS TAGS must be returned every day. Place them in your student’s Blue Folder. THANKYOU!!! EARLY RELEASE Fridays: 1:50 p.m. Suncadia Harvest Festival Field Trip Friday, October 7th 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Parent Chaperones are welcome. Please come to our office and complete your required background check. Thank you! Reading homework begins this week Check your child’s red folder and color in a star for each night that your student reads to you It will be exciting for your kindergartener to demonstrate their finger tracking skills and reading skills. Volunteers are absolutely welcome in our room! We could benefit from your assistance during reading. Reminders GREY WOLF READING and MATH forms are due! Send your student’s signed form in Tuesday Specialists Begin this week Monday-PE/Music Tuesday-Music/PE Wednesday-Library Repeating cycle Kind Regards, Mrs. Starkovich