Session Task Sub-task Format Skill tested Task designer 1 (Reading tests) Reading: DTWRP Non-words paper Decoding and sight word reading FRLL Exception words Regular words Word reading Ability to read a list of words of increasing difficulty British Ability Scale Phoneme deletion computer Ability to anticipate how a word would sound if one phoneme is deleted Phonological Assessment Battery 2 2 Orthographic coding JACKAL Phonological coding Digit span forwards Ability to remember short sequences of digits Book cover recognition Assesses book exposure 3 (participants to do task A or B) Non word reading (part 2) Assesses a child’s ability to decode letter strings. Phonological awareness: task A (50 % of pts) ToPHS: Deletion end sound Assess the influences of length (short term memory and phonological complexity (quality of representations) on decoding ToPHS: Deletion beginning sound ToPHS: Substitution beginning sound ToPHS: Substitution end sound Phonological awareness task B (50% of pts) Non word spoonerisms Non word deletion Real word spoonerisms Tasks in bold will be fed-back to schools, JACKAL: The research group at Aston, DTWRP: Diagnostic test of word reading processes, FRLL: Forum for Research in Language and Literacy