February 27th- March 3rd First Grade Newsletter one about chain tail Mrs. Sellars ksellars@g-pisd.org Conference: Mon-Thurs 10:35-11:25 Events: 2/27: Early Release @ 1PM Mixed Up Monday 2/28: Crazy Sock Day 3/1:, Grinch Green Day 3/2: PJ Day 3/3: Wacky Hair Day 3/7: Open House from 6-7PM 3/13-3/17: Spring Break! Spelling Words: chain tail rain train wait snail Friday spray’ maybe always Sight Words: one about way play rain great their were an will Class News: 3/4: Spelling & Sight Word Test Library- Wednesday Book Bags- Friday Feb. 27-Mar. 7: Book Fair in the WCA Library! Please make sure your student is at school everyday and on time! Curriculum: Grammar- compound words, base words Reading- Dr. Seuss Phonics- ai, ay Writing- Dr. Seuss writing Math- Fractions and time to the half hour Social Studies- Texas traditions and symbols *Read every night this week! *Practice telling time *Practice subtraction facts. *Practice Spelling and Sight Words!