September 9/19/16 News From Ms. Roff Upcoming Events *Sept. 30: Rise and Shine *October 6: Field Trip to the Aquarium. $7.00 Due September 30th. *October 7: Home Coming *October 17&18: Parent/Teacher Conferences *October 19: End of First Nine Weeks *October 20: No school – Parent/Teacher Conference Make-up Day *October 21: No school – Fall Break What We’re Learning! Math We took our topic 2 test and the results were sent home on a yellow slip of paper in your child’s binder last week. We will continue with Topic 3 – Understanding Addition. Your child will be bringing home a short page of Math homework a few nights a week. It will be what we have already covered in class and should only take them about 5 minutes to complete. This week we will begin our study on oceans and ocean life. One of the first grade standards is that they can name and locate the five oceans. Ask if they can sing you our ocean song. Weekly Teacher Tip We have been focusing on CVC (consonant/vowel/consonant) words and Sight Word List A. I will be placing word flash cards in the reading folders of those who need to be practicing specific words at home. Others should review the words on the A list in their binders. For some, I have included the B list as they have the A list already mastered! We have also been reviewing all the kindergarten reading skills during this first quarter.