Strayer Chapter Four Lecture Notes: Classical Eurasian Empires – 500 B.C.E. – 500 C.E.
What exactly is an empire?
When did the first empires show up?
Who were the Eurasian Empires?
What were problems/dilemmas common to all Classical Empires?
Why are empires historically important?
How did Classical empires relate to each other?
Who was the Persian Empire?
What was Persian political system like?
How did Persian Empire remain unified for so long?
How did Persia impact the world they ruled?
What was the Greek Empire?
How did Greece expand?
What was the Greek city-state political system like?
What were the Greco-Persian wars?
How were Greek states finally unified?
What was the effect of Alexander’s conquest?
What was the Greek Empire’s political structure like?
How did Greek Empire remain in power for so long?
How did civilization in Rome begin?
What was political structure of early Rome like?
How did Roman Empire begin?
How did Roman Army help expansion?
How did Rome shift from Republic to Empire?
How did Roman Empire affect rest of Europe?
How did China re-emerge?
How did Qin Empire affect region?
How did Chinese and Roman Empires compare?
Why do Empires fall?
Why did Han China specifically collapse?
Why did Rome specifically collapse?
What are effects of imperial collapse?
How did Roman and Han Chinese collapses differ?
How did the Indian Empire develop?
Who was the Mauryan Empire?
What was Mauryan political structure like?
What came after the Mauryan Empire?
Why did India have difficulty maintaining an empire?