What is this, and where did the idea come from?
Objectives: Describe ancient Egyptian religion Describe the process of mummification. Understand the role religion plays in Egyptian society
What does this video tell you about the role religion plays in a civilization?
A. Religion in Egypt (p. 76) Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was a child of the sun god Ra, their most important deity. The goddess Isis protected people from sickness and harm, while her husband, Osiris, represented the dead who awaited rebirth. Egyptians believed that after a person died, he/she went on to the “Next World.”
B. Building the Pyramids (p. 81) The pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs. Their construction required amazing math knowledge and skills. The Great Pyramid, built for Pharaoh Khufu, is the Old Kingdom’s most spectacular monument. It took 20 years, 100,000 people, and entire cliffs of stone to build.
C. Treasures of an Ancient Tomb (p. 88) The Valley of the Kings, west of ancient Thebes, is the resting place of 30 New Kingdom pharaohs. One such pharaoh was King Tutankhamun, who was a teenager when he ruled ancient Egypt. He is best known today for his magnificent tomb, which was discovered in 1922.
What are the steps of Mummification?
D. Mummification: Step One It took 70 days to make a well preserved mummy. The brain tissue was scooped out with a special hooked tool that was inserted through the nose. Cuts were made on the body to remove the stomach, lungs, and other internal organs (except for the heart), which were placed in canopic jars.
E. Mummification: Step Two The body was then covered inside and out with natron, a salt used to remove the body’s moisture. Sunken parts of the body were filled with linen or resin and false eyes were added.
F. Mummification: Step Three The body was then wrapped with about 150 yards of linen. This process could take as many as 15 days. Pitch or resin helped to fill in hollow places and to serve as an adhesive between layers of linen.
What is this picture & what is it showing?
Review Describe ancient Egyptian religion. Describe the process of mummification.