This morning looking at the information you need to be successful This morning looking at the information you need to be successful. How to think about your service in a different way. In the afternoon, practicing using information to generate ideas and consider potential service developments for the future.
Health profile Health profiles are widely available on the internet on the Public Health observatory website. They provide a variety of information pertaining to an areas current health status and also the priorities that the region is working on. This is a copy of the Health Profile for Liverpool; there is one for Basingstoke in your packs.
Health profile The chart above shows how the health of people in Liverpool compares with the rest of England. This area’s result for each indicator is shown as a circle. The average rate for England is shown by the black line, which is always at the centre of the chart. The range of results for all local areas in England is shown as a grey bar. A red circle means that this area is significantly worse than England for that indicator; however, a green circle may still indicate an important public health problem. Please note that not all the values are percentages; there is a key at the bottom of the chart explaining what each indicator is measured in. Health in summary The health of people in Liverpool is generally worse than the England average. Deprivation is higher than average and about 33.0% (26,000) children live in poverty. Life expectancy for both men and women is lower than the England average. Local priorities Priorities in Liverpool include alcohol, mental health, child poverty and cancer
CCG data for every CCGH within England are also available on the internet.
This slide shows the population profile for the area. The dark lines are the national profile so you can see how the population for this area differs to the national profile. As we can see on this profile there is a larger population of young adults of both genders compared with the England average.
This slide shows the disease prevalence for the CCG. As you can see if the blue diamond is pointing to the right, the disease prevalence is higher. The dashed line down the middle represents the England average. The blue box shows the range of the middle 50% of practices in the CCG. The vertical black lines show each individual practices’ performance with the height of the line representing the proportion of the population each practice represents
This chart shows the distribution of each CCG on each of the indicators listed. The dotted blue line is the England average. Better outcomes are towards the right, the yellow box represents the inter quartile range. It is important for the following task not to get too caught up in the data but to get a general feel for what the data is showing you.
Task (14.40 – 15.40) On your table split into 2 small groups Decide on a priority or area of health need relating to the data in your pack Using the checklist formulate an elevator pitch (2 – 3 minutes) around how physiotherapy can be a solution Feed your pitch back to each other on your tables There are facilitators on hand to help you! Time checks at 15.00 and 15.20 (ten minute warning before feeding back on tables) At 15.40 need a couple of groups to feedback to whole room!