The area of the stage closest to the audience. DOWN-STAGE The area of the stage closest to the audience.
STAGE LEFT The left side of the stage from the actor’s perspective as he or she faces the audience.
STAGE RIGHT The right side of the stage from the actor’s perspective as he or she faces the audience.
The stage area farthest away from the audience . UPSTAGE The stage area farthest away from the audience .
UPSTAGING Drawing the audience’s attention to yourself when it should be focused on another character.
Stage directions
When an actor moves from one side of the stage to another. CROSS When an actor moves from one side of the stage to another.
COUNTER-CROSS Moving in the opposite direction – and out of the way- of another actor who is moving across the stage.
Stage Directions
BLOCKING Blocking is the director’s planned movement for the actor’s. Blocking tells an actor how his or her character gets from one place to another in a scene. It supports communication between characters and creates a visual picture that affects the audience. There are strength to each stage area.
BLOCKING AND MOVING UR: strong entrance, comfortable, familiar, soft, romantic. UL: spiritual, fanciful, dark, metaphysical, good-byes, infinity, ghostliness, unfamiliar, depression, supernatural scenes, background scenes, scenes of isolation and despair. DR: intimate, romantic, strong area, warm, informal, tender, intimate love scenes, informal calls, confessions, gossip, long narratives, position of power, Narrators usually stand DR. DL: cooler, unsure, unhappy relationships, distant intimacy, funny, secondary romance, conspiracies, casual love scenes, soliloquies, formal and business matters. UC: judgmental, conviction, regal, aloof, noble, superiority, stability, formal love scenes, royalty. DC: authoritarian, decisive, hard, intense, harsh, strong, climactic, great formality, quarrels, fights, crises.
BODY POSITIONS Full front (FF) Full back (FB) One quarter left (1/4 L) One quarter right (1/4 R) Profile left (PL) Profile right (PR) Three quarters left (3/4 L) Three quarters right (3/4 R)
BINDER Keep the handouts you’ve been given in your theatre binder. Get ready to go to the theatre.