Nike Aerographic Jerseys Kenn James ITMG 100 07 Nike Aerographic Jerseys
Beginning Kirk Meyer “How to get airflow without having to put seems everywhere” To cut down on anything unesscary and get down to the lightweight essence to what you need to perform
Purpose USA Olympic Team USA Basketball Team USA Track and Field Team
Advantages Able to move faster and quicker Stamina increases dramatically A lot more amounts of Air Feels like 31% lighter of weight but still same weight
Definition Jerseys that increase airflow over the skin reduces overall weight by 31% by etching graphic designs into key area of the garment.
Disadvantages None It adds extra features but no extra weight More designs but less weight mentally and physically
How it helps Basketball Sustain longer possessions without timeouts Jump higher(better dunking, shots, and rebounding) More fast breaks
How it helps Track Long distance runners High jump Long Jump
Unfairness of Who has them Duke, Oregon, Memphis Gonzaga Not all teams have them due to budgets or popularity
Future Other Countries Future Olympics NFL NCAA NBA
Work Cited www.googleimages/NikeKingAerographic www.googleimages/NiKeEmpire