Chapter 3 Physical Fitness and Your Health Page 44
Section 1: Physical Fitness and You Explain benefits of exercise Describe components of physical fitness Describe ways to measure fitness
A. What is physical fitness Physical fitness: ability to carry out daily tasks easily and having energy to meet demands Benefits to physical fitness Physical- list Mental- list Social- list
B. Basic Components Five areas Body composition- ratio of body fat to lean body tissue Flexibility- ability to move through full range of motion Muscular strength- Muscular endurance Cardiorespiratory endurance
C. Measuring Body fat test Flexibility Pinch Caliper Touch toes? Male 25% Female 30% Flexibility Touch toes? Knees to test Sit and reach test
C. Continued Muscular strength Muscular endurance Cardio endurance Max out Pushup test Curl ups Muscular endurance Leg lift Cardio endurance Run a mile without stopping 3 minute step test
Section 2: Exercise and Fitness Explain benefits of exercise Explain difference between aerobic and anaerobic Explain difference between isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic
A. Benefits of exercise Physically healthier Weight control Nervous system- can increase reaction time Circulatory system- strengthen the heart, blood pump more efficiently Respiratory system- lungs work more efficiently, more capacity Weight control Avoid sedentary lifestyle – help avoid becoming overweight Metabolism- process of getting energy from food Basal metabolism- minimum amount of energy required to maintain life Energy we get- calories 1 pound of fat equals 3500 calories Burn more than consume- lose weight – consume more than burn- gain weight
B: Mental and Social Mental Health benefits Social Health benefits Exercise- helps mental health by relieving stress Help sleep Social Health benefits Member of a team Get back to nature Exercise with partner
C. Cardiorespiratory Endurance Aerobic exercise- vigorous activity in which oxygen is continuously taken in for a period of at least 20 minutes Endurance Anaerobic- burst of activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen Examples- 100 meter dash, weight lifting 3 types of resistance training Isometric- tension to increase strength, no movement- pushing arms together Isotonic- muscle contraction with repeated movement- pushup and pullups Isokinetic- resistance training through entire range of motion- exercise bike
Section 3: Planning a fitness goal Discuss importance of setting realistic fitness goals Identify basic principles of exercise Describe stages of exercise
A: Fitness Goals Set a goal and make a plan- don’t just wing it Select an activity Based on Where you live Range of interest Level of health Time and place Personal safety Comprehensive planning Cross training: combination of multiple activities
B. Basic exercise program Elements Overload- working body harder than normal Progression- increasing load Specificity- lifts and exercise specific to certain health Warm up- activity to prepare for activity Workout- Frequency Intensity Time Cooldown- decrease actvity
C. Monitor Progress Exercise should become easier push yourself harder Resting heart rate- 72 to 84 beats per minute