Political Parties America’s Two-Party System
BRAINSTORM What are the different ways that YOU can participate in our government?
Ways to Participate in our Democracy Becoming a well informed citizen Writing letters to elected officials (local & national) Serving on a jury (must be registered to vote) Protesting (marches, boycotts, sit-ins, etc.) Campaigning for a candidate Running for office Voting in local, state and national elections Joining a political party
Definition of Political Party An alliance of like-minded people who work together to: win elections control the government determine public policy
FUNCTIONS OF POLITICAL PARTIES Recruit candidates – Find viable candidates at the federal, state and local levels Organize elections – Mobilize participation at the polls Hold conventions - Every 4 years, parties hold national conventions to formally declare a platform and choose the party’s presidential & vice presidential nominees. https://www.democrats.org/ https://www.gop.com/ Unite factions – Bring together people with similar interest
PARTY COALITION The groups & interest that support a party Generally speaking, the Republican coalition primarily consists of Caucasian middle class Protestants. The GOP is successful in suburban areas, the South & Midwest.
PARTY COALITION Generally speaking, the Democratic Coalition is comprised of society’s “underdogs.” On average they include: African-Americans Union members The poor Hispanics Urbanites Gay & Lesbians Jewish people Other minorities
George Washington George Washington was against the idea of political parties. He felt they were detrimental to the nation In his farewell speech he stated the following “parties serve their own interest” “parties not beneficial to American people”
Types of Political Party Systems One Party System – Political party & the government are the same; Only 1 party, so no competing ideas - Ex: China Two Party Systems - Two parties compete with each other to run the government; minority parties receive little attention – Ex: USA
Types of Political Party Systems Multi-Party System – Three or more parties compete for the control of the government; Common in Europe; Provides voters with many different choices & ideas – Ex: Italy & Mexico
Donkey vs Elephant Associated with Andrew Jackson during his 1828 campaign His opponents called him a jackass (Donkey) Jackson used the strong-willed animal on his campaign posters Cartoonist Thomas Nast made it famous Cartoonist Nast later drew a donkey clothed in lion’s skin, scarring away all the animals at the zoo. One of the animals, the elephant was labeled “The Republican Vote”
Third Parties AKA minor parties Promote ideas that were originally unpopular They have never won Presidency, but Democrats and Republicans adopted some of their ideas
Types of Third Parties Ideology Party Single Issue Party Form to support a particular philosophy and idea Libertarian Party want to cut the size of the federal government and increase personal freedoms Form to promote a social, economic, or moral issue (usually don’t last long) Prohibitionists Party formed in 1872 to ban alcohol
Economic Protest Party Types of Third Parties Economic Protest Party Splinter Parties Form during poor economic times The Greenback Party (1874-1889) had an anti-monopoly ideology Parties that have split away from one of the major parties The Tea Party called for the reduction of the national debt & federal budget deficit (1990 – present)