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TV & Movie Writing Watch and Read Pick a Genre Outline Your Plot Develop Your Characters Write
Attractive Fantasy What keeps us watching We would like to be in their situation Happy Days one of the first Saved by the Bell, OC, 90210, Housewives of Orange County
Negative Fantasy Dealing with a problem Characters are dealing with problems like the ones we face, but worse Lost, Sopranos, NCIS
Hook Gets you to watch Simpsons, Cheers, Real World Template Unwritten rules of the show
Core Cast Main people in the show The Simpsons Bart Homer Marge Lisa
Central Conflict Main issue in the story Man v. Man Spider-Man Man v. Self Million Dollar Baby (Hillary Swank wants to be a boxer) Man v. Society Hunger Games Man v. Nature 2012 Hybrid Conflict (combination of 2 or more)
Season Arc Extended Storyline Soap Operas and Dramas