Children’s Therapy Services (CTS) Head of Service Carol Sperring – Children’s Therapy Manager Speech and language Therapy Special Needs Service Team Lead: James Adamson Service based at child development unit – Stepping Hill for pre-school, and special schools/ mainstream schools for school age children with severe/complex disabilities/ disorders Speech and language Therapy Dysfluency Service Lead: Rachel Pagnam Service based at clinics Autism Lead : Catherine Aldred Based at Heathy Young Minds (HYMS - Mental health service) – Stepping Hill Speech and language Therapy Clinic Team Lead: Judy Carey cleft palate service Selective Mute service Speech sound disorders Language Delay/Disorder Early years language unit School age severe/complex speech disorders Speech and language Therapy SLICS Team Lead: Louise Hirsch Service based in mainstream Schools, providing assessments of need in: Speech Language Social communication Occupational Therapy Lead: Barbara Gallagher Motor /Sensory difficulties Service based at child development unit stepping hill, Beckwith and special / mainstream schools Physiotherapy Lead: Alison Rotheram Cystic Fibrosis Neonatal Complex disabilities Services based at child development unit stepping hill, Beckwith and special / mainstream schools CEAS/HES Children’s Equipment and adaptations Service & Home Equipment Store SLT Services to school Lead: Tamsin Rowbotham Service provided at school funded by school – various schools There is a mix of highly specialist/specialist/generalist therapists and assistants in each team. Volunteers also support the service. The service also provides therapy to schools who fund this under special education needs legislation.