how to take BETTER pictures Photography 1 how to take BETTER pictures
Ethics Be honest and fair. Do Not Stage event photos. Make it known for whom and for what reason you are shooting the photos. Do not alter the content of photos in Photoshop. Never make up information.
Copyright Rules for Publication MultiMedia AND Print Photograph Illustration Collections of photographs Collections of illustrations Single works may be used in their entirety but not more than 5 images by an artist or photographer. From a collection, not more than 15 images or 10%, whichever is less. Older illustrations may be in the public domain, but the collection may be copyrighted. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE WRITTEN PERMISSION TO USE A PHOTOGRAPH OR ILLISTRATION, YOU MAY NOT USE IT!!!
SEVERAL SIMPLE RULES FOR GOOD PHOTO COMPOSITION Anyone can take good photographs with any camera. Good photographs have less to do with the equipment than the composition – MAKE SURE YOUR LENS IS CLEAN THOUGH. It's not what you see but how you see it. Good photographic composition takes practice. Delete all blurry photos
*Strong center of interest: have ONE focal point, slightly off center.
*RULE OF THIRDS The Rule Of Thirds means: Divide your picture area into thirds, both vertically and horizontally. Place your center of interest at one of the four places where the lines intersect. Do NOT place subject IN the center square though. Have the subject look or move toward the center of the picture.
*Placing the horizon line high or low changes how connected the viewer feels
*Leading Lines: lines in the photo, such as a road, path, fence, board, that lead us into or through the picture.
*Angles - photograph your subject from several angles and then select the best one.
*Move in close! ALWAYS fill your picture area with the subject.
* Depth of Field – is where you have FOREGROUND, MIDDLEGROUND, and BACKGROUND seen clearly. Depth of Field is the final concept we will cover today. DoF is when you create a Zone of Sharpness with your camera that leaves part of the photo blurry and part in focus. The ZoS can be adjusted to be small or very large and the level of blurriness can be high or low.
Watch the background in your picture *Watch the background in your picture! Clutter steals attention from your subject(s.)
A blue sky makes a good background, as does any solid color.
*Odd numbers and unbalanced elements are more interesting.
*Triangles: in photographs can negate the odd number of subjects rule or the Rule of Thirds.
Your assignment: Find 6 photographs on the internet – 3 good and 3 bad, and put them on PowerPoint slides denoting GOOD or BAD on each. Do NOT stretch or squish photos!!! Hold down the SHIFT key while resizing to maintain proportions. Analyze those photographs for the rules of good photography and write a one paragraph analysis for each photograph. Paragraphs should have an opening sentence, 3 sentences describing your reasons the photo is good or bad, and a closing sentence stating your final conclusion. Create a Google Slide Presentation/PowerPoint to present your detailed analysis to present to the class. Analysis paragraphs are to be 5 complex sentences long. Use the word BECAUSE to create complexity. 100 points