My product. A single song, released on a variety of platforms, debuting a new musical identity and direction. Related media and merchandise such as artwork, CD booklet, T-Shirts, etc. A music video to accompany song.
Release Platforms CDs, USB sticks. MP3 download on iTunes/Spotify Youtube/Vimeo for Music Video and related promos.
Target Audience Music is heavily dance oriented – club scene, rave tents etc. Club-goers and DJs would likely purchase. Retains a certain rock/pop aesthetic, increasing accessibility to “other” club-goer demographic – the “rockers” and “metal-heads”. Manages to be musically complex, even slightly progressive, yet mainstream and memorable. Contains various kinds of dub and step. While specific target audiences are desirable, they are not essential – everybody likes to dance. This is the sort of music you hear played obnoxiously loud from cars with their windows rolled down. People who like: Pendulum, Muse, David Guetta, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, etc.
Marketing Promotional posts, paid-for targeted adverts, “sneak peek” videos and sound bytes, hosted on: Facebook Tumblr Soundcloud Youtube/Vimeo Twitter Etc. A single event (or more if required) at a live music/dance venue (Meze, Newport for example) to launch single. Event will also be promoted and advertised across social media and physically using posters and flyers. Negotiations will be made with various outlets for selling physical copies of single (CD or USB) and allowing advertisement of event.