Plumber’s Nightmare: PIPES Drawing
Learning targets I can create a strong composition showing both BALANCE and MOVEMENT I can create a gradated range of values from light to dark I can create the illusion of FORM I can work collaboratively to create a group artwork that shows UNITY
Vocabulary BALANCE : The arrangement of elements on either side of the center line. No one part overpowers, or feels heavier than, any other part. MOVEMENT: The design of the piece that leads your eye through the work. COMPOSITION: The arrangement of the visual elements in an artwork. UNITY: Makes a work of art feel complete and finished. Everything seems to be in harmony and work together.
Expectations Achieved 3.5 Criteria Below Expectations 2.5 Nearing Expectations 3 Expectations Achieved 3.5 Advanced 4 PIPE CONSTRUCTION (LINES, SHAPES, AND SPACES) Pipes are an inconsistent width, don’t meet up with neighboring pipe drawings, are missing connectors, or have connectors that wouldn’t work connecting the pipes. Pipes are usually consistent in width, they meet up with neighboring drawings but are not precise, all the connectors are added but the shapes could be more refined and meet up with the pipes better. Pipes are a consistent width (ruler width), accurately meet up with neighboring drawings, connectors are correct in placement, shape, and size. Pipes are a consistent width (ruler width), seamlessly meet up with neighboring drawings, connectors are consistent in width and overlap of the pipes, and are accurate for the intersection/bend in the pipes they connect. COLLABORATION/ REVISION Artist does not make any adaptations to original design, even when provided with feedback for improvement. Does not consult with artists drawing bordering pipes, or doesn’t adjust accordingly to make pipes match. Artist uses some of the teacher feedback to make adaptations. Consults with artists drawing bordering pipes, but only makes minimal changes to make pipes match. Artist uses teacher feedback and self-monitoring to make adaptations as needed to improve artwork. Consults with artists drawing bordering pipes, and makes the necessary changes to make pipes match. Artist self-monitors design, and uses teacher and peer feedback to make adaptations as needed to make artwork more successful. Consults with artists drawing bordering pipes (even when not required by teacher), and makes necessary changes to make pipes match. Collaboration creates pipes that successfully match across paper borders. NEATNESS Visible erase marks/ left over lines/ smears/smudges, fingerprints, wrinkles, holes or tears in paper. Lines are mostly clean, few erase marks, some choppiness in value gradation. Clean contour lines, gradation is mostly smooth, no erase marks visible. Clean and consistent contour lines, smooth gradation transitions, no erase marks. COMPOSITION (BALANCE, MOVEMENT) There is a lot of negative space (not very many pipes), objects are off center so the composition is unbalanced, the pipes do not lead the viewer’s eye around the page. There are a few gaps (negative space) where drawing another pipe or two would improve the work, the pipes create a path for the eye to follow. Positive and Negative space are both interesting, the pipes fill the paper and are balanced in their placement, and the pipes pull the viewer’s eye around the page – they keep the viewer’s attention. Pipes create an interesting flow across the page, keeping the viewer’s attention moving through the artwork, and the work is balanced: no one part feels like it is grabbing all the attention. USE OF VALUE TO CREATE ILLUSION OF FORM All the same value, or more than one value but gradation is missing; visible edge for each value. Pipes appear flat. Only 2 or 3 values, gradation is missing or choppy; it is easy to see the edges for each value. Pipes look mostly flat, but there is a hint of form. At least 5 values are present and the transitions between are smooth: no hard lines or streaks. Connectors (and other pipes) cast shadows that wrap around on the pipes. At least 5 values are present and the transitions between are smooth: no hard lines or streaks. Connectors (and other pipes) cast shadows that wrap around on the pipes. Highly realistic form is created in the pipes, connectors, and added details.
Steps 1. Using a ruler and the guideline marks on the edges for starting points, draw pipes by tracing both sides of the ruler to create the pipe shape for uniform sizing. 2. Draw at least 3 pipes.
3. Have each pipe change direction at least once. Steps 3. Have each pipe change direction at least once. 4. The flow and direction of the pipes should create both Movement and Balance. (Consider pipes joining up, splitting up, and/or overlapping.)
Steps 5. Add connectors at bends and intersections: elbow, ‘T’, ‘S’, and intersection.
Steps 5. Add connectors at bends and intersections: elbow, ‘T’, ‘S’, and intersection.
Steps 6. Add shading: create at least 5 values in a nice easy transition from side to side. (Remember that more pressure and more density creates a darker value, and gently lifting up will create lighter values. Use the pencil sideways for less intense lines.)
Steps 7. Leave the middle of the pipe the color of the paper for the highlight from a direct on light source. 8. Use the blending stump to create nice easy flow, being careful not to smear the values into one.
Steps 9. Match your drawing up with the drawings that border yours to make sure they fit and the values flow across the papers.
Steps 10. Shade the connectors: make sure your shading direction matches the shape of the connector!
1. Draw Light ‘til it’s Right TIPs 1. Draw Light ‘til it’s Right 2. Don’t jump ahead- wait for the demonstration for each step before you attempt it. 2. Match your drawing up with the drawings that border yours FREQUENTLY to make sure they fit and the values flow across the papers.