Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Gordana Kralik Bologna Process and Education of Engineers at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek 5.7.2018. Brief Outline Bologna process at the University of Osijek Education of engineers in the framework of the Bologna process Initial outcomes of the implementation of the Bologna process Further activities regarding the implementation of the Bologna process Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek History of higher education in Osijek dates back to 1707-Higher Theological School - Studium Philosophicum Essekini University of Osijek was founded on May 31, 1975 University of Osijek is a middle-sized university according to European standards – 16 university constituents, more than 18 000 students It is of great importance for Eastern Croatia which has a population of 900 000 There are more than 27 000 graduates from the University of Osijek Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek started with the implementation of the Bologna process in the academic year 2005/2006 within 36 undergraduate university studies, 13 professional studies, as well as 7 satellite studies Some measures have been introduced for the purpose of harmonization of higher education at the University with the European Higher Education Area First analyses indicate that the implementation of the Bologna process at the University of Osijek moves in good direction There are significant improvements in quality assurance and level of success of studying Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Activities of the University Regarding Implementation of the Bologna Process Some activities of the University regarding implementation of the Bologna Process: Organization of the mentor system of student guidance, Monitoring of the implementation of reforms by the Committee for Monitoring of Implementation of the Bologna Process, Continuous monitoring and evaluation of student activities and evaluation of teaching and teachers using student surveys. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Quality Assurance of Education at the University of Osijek Quality assurance is one of the main principles of the Bologna process and the University of Osijek pays great attention to monitoring of the quality of studying Significant contribution to the development of the quality assurance system at our University was made within the project of the University of Osijek that was financially supported by the National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia: “Establishment of Quality Assurance System at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek”. Project duration: January 3rd - December 1st 2006 Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Project “Establishment of the Quality Assurance System at the University of Osijek” Basic activities implemented within the project: Analysis of the state of art Development of strategy for the quality assurance system Development of the structure of the quality assurance system Defining documentation for the quality assurance system Student survey Education of members of the academic community Dissemination of information Publications of the quality assurance system Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Structure of the Quality Assurance System at the University of Osijek Structure of the quality assurance system at the University of Osijek consists of: The University Board for Quality Promotion and Assurance - Rectorate (established on January 9, 2006) The Committee consists of 13 members (2 of them are students) and its role is to coordinate activities of the Commission for Monitoring and Assurance of Higher Education at all university constituents. Committee for Quality Assurance at all university constituents (established in January 2006; its members are: vice-dean for teaching, academic secretary, representative of teachers,assistants and students). Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Basic Documents for the Quality Assurance System at the University of Osijek Basic documents for the quality assurance system are as follows: Regulations on Establishment and Activities of the Quality Assurance System at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (approved by the University Senate on September 30, 2006) and Procedures for Systematic Quality Assurance at University Level (procedure for recording indicators of quality, procedure for student evaluation of teaching, procedure for self-analysis, procedure for implementation of self-analysis, procedure for evaluation of student achievements). Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Strategic Plan for Quality Assurance at the University of Osijek Important outcome of project activities is development of strategic plan for quality promotion at the University of Osijek in the period 2007-2010 Defining steps for continuous monitoring and quality assurance at the University. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Student Survey During the academic year 2006-2007 the student survey was conducted for freshmen students of the academic year 2005-2006 The survey included a set of questions that are relevant to the evaluation of the level of success for certain courses and teachers. According to its outcomes there is a positive attitude among students regarding the quality of study. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Survey Outcomes Average outcomes of the survey show that there is a high percentage of attendance of taught courses during the freshmen year at the University of Osijek (ca. 80%), while the percentage of attendance of practicals is somewhat lower (ca. 70%). However, the motivation of students for attending lectures can and must be improved - the most of responding students attend lectures for the purpose of preparing for exams (49,6%), while the smaller percentage of students do that as a result of their interest in lectures. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Education of Engineers at the University of Osijek Education of Engineers at the University of Osijek in the area of Technical and Biotechnical sciences Technical sciences: Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Sl. Brod Biotechnical sciences: Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Food Technology Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Share of Engineering Studies at the University of Osijek The largest number of students are enrolled in the area of the following studies: Humanities and Social sciences (Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Philosophy…), while the lowest number of students are enrolled in studies in the area of Natural sciences and Arts. The average share in the total number of enrolled students amounts to 18% (at national level ca.23 %). The average share of students enrolled in studies within Biotechnical sciences amounts to 12% (at national level ca.4 %). Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Share of Students Enrolled in Engineering Studies at the University of Osijek Number and Share of Students enrolled in Studies within Technical and Biotechnical Sciences in the Academic Year 2006-2007 Total number of enrolled students % a. TECHNICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Electrical Engineering 1651 9,13% Faculty of Civil Engineering 1050 5,80% Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 589 3,26% Total a 3290 18,18% b. BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Agriculture 1595 8,82% Faculty of Food Technology 619 3,42% Total b 2214 12,24% Grand total a+b 5504 30,42% University of Osijek 18093 100% Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Graduate Engineers at the University of Osijek Number and Share of Graduate Engineers Enrolled in Studies within Technical and Biotechnical Sciences in the Period 2001-2006 Scientific Area Faculty Year Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Technical Sciences Faculty of Electrical Engineering 34 40 48 32 51 84 289 Faculty of Civil Engineering 18 20 14 44 38 148 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 21 16 11 13 31 110 Biotechnical Sciences Faculty of Agriculture 66 77 49 67 58 368 Faculty of Food Technology 37 30 42 39 220 171 190 154 153 217 250 1135 University Grand Total 676 771 741 809 1230 1358 5585 Share of Graduate Engineers [%] 25,30 24,64 20,78 18,91 17,64 18,41 20,32 Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Graduate Engineers at the University of Osijek Share of Graduate Engineers in the Area of Technical and Biotechnical Sciences in the Period 2001-2006 Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Engineers in Professional Studies at the University of Osijek Number and Share of Engineers in Professional Studies in the Area of Technical and Biotechnical Sciences in the Period 2001-2006 Scientific Area Faculty Year Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Technical Sciences Faculty of Electrical Engineering 31 38 27 37 29 61 223 Faculty of Civil Engineering 14 8 7 4 11 23 67 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 10 47 Biotechnical Sciences Faculty of Agriculture 13 9 39 92 66 70 48 58 53 134 429 University Grand Total 142 197 153 204 282 411 1389 Share of Engineers [%] 46,48 35,53 31,37 28,43 18,79 32,60 30,89 Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Engineers in Professional Studies at the University of Osijek Share of Engineers in the Area of Technical and Biotechnical Sciences in the Period 2001- 2006 Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Total Share of Engineers at the University of Osijek Total Share of Engineers and Graduate Engineers at the University of Osijek in the Period 2001- 2006 Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process and Education of Engineers – Technical Sciences Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek Undergraduate study of Electrical Engineering – 180 ECTS Undergraduate study of Information Science – 180 ECTS Graduate study of Electrical Engineering – 120 ECTS Graduate study of Information Science – 120 ECTS Professional study of Electrical Engineering – 180 ECTS Faculty of Civil Engineering Undergraduate study of Civil Engineering – 180 ECTS Graduate study of Civil Engineering – 120 ECTS Professional study of Civil Engineering – 180 ECTS Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process and Education of Engineers – Technical Sciences Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod Undergraduate study of Production Engineering – 210 ECTS Graduate study of Production Engineering – 90 ECTS Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process and Education of Engineers – Biotechnical Sciences Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek Undergraduate study of Agriculture – 180 ECTS Graduate studies : Agroeconomics – 120 ECTS Plant Production – 120 ECTS Mechanization– 120 ECTS Zootechnology – 120 ECTS Ecological Agriculture – 120 ECTS Professional studies: Agrar Entrepreneurship – 180 ECTS Plant Production – 180 ECTS Mechanization in Agriculture – 180 ECTS Zootechnology – 180 ECTS Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process and Education of Engineers – Biotechnical Sciences Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek Undergraduate study of Food Technology – 180 ECTS Graduate studies : Food Engineering – 120 ECTS Food Science and Nutritionism – 120 ECTS Process Engineering - 120 ECTS Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Education of Engineers within the Bologna Process Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Osijek In order to improve teaching process and to increase teaching quality, the number of groups for auditory exercises is significantly increased. These exercises are important in knowledge transfer (especially Technical sciences). Evaluation of students is performed through evaluation of all student activities during the semester (laboratory exercises, controll exams, seminars, homework) that helps teacher in bringing out the final grade. Special attention is paid to professional training of engineers within the LLL concept. Problems to be solved in near future encompass necessary increase of the number of teachers and assistants and completion of laboratory facilities. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Education of Engineers within the Bologna Process Faculty of Civil Engineering Within the framework of the implementation of Bologna process, Faculty of Civil Engineering in Osijek participated in several international projects (TEMPUS project dealing with university education of civil engineers) as well as in CARDS (CBC issues). Mutual diploma recognition with other faculties of civil engineering in Croatia has been agreed upon. Special attention is paid to student and teacher awareness on content and progress of Bologna process implementation at the Faculty and in broader academic community. Certificate ISO 9001 (teaching, scientific and professional activities) is acquired. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Education of Engineers within the Bologna Process Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod Students have been appointed mentors within the student guidance system who assist them in dealing with all issues regarding the teaching process. Coordinators for mentors for group of students have been appointed; their task is to coordinate activities and make reports on implementation of the teaching process as well as possible problems. Opportunities for passing the exam through continuous work (preliminary exams, seminars,…) Numerous measures directed towards facilitation of studying and acceptance of student as an active partner in teaching process. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Education of Engineers within the Bologna Process Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek Teaching in modules, more teachers per module. Possibility of module choice – possibility of the knowledge expanding through combining of study programs. Less ex cathedra teaching, more individual and practical student engagement. Special attention is paid to student awareness on progress of Bologna process implementation. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of students are implemented during the teaching process. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Education of Engineers within the Bologna Process Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek Great importance has been given to student and teacher awareness regarding objectives and results of Bologna process implementation. Mentor system of student guidance has been established. Continuous monitoring of student work through preliminary exams. Problems accompanying enhanced activity in the scope of Bologna Process involve: the increase of material costs in laboratory and construction exercises, increased teacher workload and problems with the lack of facilities for teaching performance. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Analysis of Bologna Process Implementation at the University of Osijek Analysis is performed during the academic year 2006/2007, 1st year study program served as starting data. These programs can be used as good comparative indicator of the successfulness in the implementation of the new study system. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Successfulness of Bologna Process Implementation at the University of Osijek The main objective of the analysis was to determine successfully implemented reform components and to point out possible weaknesses in the implementation process. Exact indicators of the study success serves as the basis for the evaluation of the reform implementation, for example: level of success in exam passing per subject/modul, number of students which successfully cope with study program and enroll the next study year, percentage of passed exams etc. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek First Outcomes in Bologna Process Implementation at the University of Osijek One of the indicators of the level of study success is the parameter that shows how successfull the 1st year students were in the passing of exams, i.e. the number of exams passed. Average percentage of passed exams of all enrolled students at the University level is approx. 57%. Study success has been significantly increased at almost all university constituents. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Bologna Process at the University of Osijek Successfulness in Exam Passing at the University Level is Increased by More Than 10%! Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Successfulness in the Exam Passing – Engineer Studies Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Future Activities in Bologna Process Implementation For the purpose of successful harmonization of higher education system at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, following measures and activities should be undertaken: In order to ensure work in small student groups and to decrease teacher and assistant workload, the number of teachers and assistants should be significantly increased. Perceived weaknesses should be solved by employment of needed staff through new job positions; In order to achieve successful work with smaller student groups additional university premises should be provided, through the construction of new lecture-rooms, classrooms and laboratories. University spatial problems will be permanently solved within the University campus project; Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
Future Activities in Bologna Process Implementation Further integration of the University should be carried out, in order to assure the single level of teaching quality at the University; Further development of quality assurance system at the University should be achieved. It includes the establishing of main university center for quality assurance. Each university constituent should establish its own unit (unit, office,..) for quality assurance according to its needs and specificities. In order to create preconditions for promotion and successful implementation of student and teacher mobility, activities of the University and its constituents should be increased. Bologna Process at the University of Osijek
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