ControlBox Solution Explorer Property Visual Studio RadioButton
1. Problem: The Objective or the specific output that we want to attain. 2.Programming Language: It’s commands & instructions designed to be easy to learn as it uses English Language vocabulary and can be used in many applications 3. Cod window: is a window in VB.Net through which we can write instructions and codes of the program
Items, sorted, AutocompleteSource & AutocompleteMode ComboBox ListBox Displays a drop-down arrow that showes a list of items in the smallest possible area from which one item only can be selected a Control Shows a list of items where you can select one or more than one item Purpose Items, sorted, AutocompleteSource & AutocompleteMode Items, Sorted & SelectionMode Properties WindowState Size It defines the window Size of the form on screen (Maximizing, Minimizing or Normal) in Running Mode It controls the Dimensions(Width and Height) of the form in Design Mode
Flow Chart Algorithm Is a diagram that uses standard graphical symbols to illustrate the sequence of steps required for solving a problem or specific question One of the ways which are used to solve a problem through a group of logically arranged procedures Enabled Visible Makes the control Active and responds to the user event or not in Running Mode Makes the control appear or disapear to the user (Show or Hide)in Running Mode Values : True/ False
1. Because the property “ AutoSize” of that Label= True by default so we can`t change the size of the label manually, where in the TextBox the property “MultiLine”=False , so we can`t change the height of the textBox . 2.Because its programs work through objects in computer memory 3.Because the property “AutoCompleteMode” is set to “Suggest” 4. Because the property “Maxlength” is set to “ 6”
Btn_txt. TEXT = “جمهورية مصر العربية” Label1.Autosize = False TextBox2.PasswordChar= “* “ Label1.Backcolor = Color . Red
Displays the “ times Table of table 3” Fifth Question : Look at the following Flowchart and answer: Displays the “ times Table of table 3” 3, 6 , 9 , 12 , 15 , 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33,36 12 times 13