Container Security Initiative (CSI) The purpose of today’s presentation is to discuss our next exciting FIVE YEAR JOURNEY. NextLeap is the name we have given this journey that will enable us to achieve the NEW TARGET we have set for ourselves. This presentation will review: The FOUNDATIONS we have built, Our need to CHANGE to meet the challenges of today's marketplace and to take advantage of the many opportunities available to us. The new target we have set called TWENTY TO THE POWER OF FIVE. How we are GOING TO GROW over the next five years to meet this target. Every department, branch, country, network partner and individual person at UTi is a part of this journey called NextLeap. What we will discuss today is OUR CLEAR COMMITMENT to make this happen.
What is CSI? In post-9/11 America, the Container Security Initiative (CSI) is intended to extend our zone of security outward so that American borders are the last line of defense, not the first. CSI was announced by the Commissioner of Customer & Border Protection (CBP), Robert C. Bonner in January 2002 Maritime containers that pose a risk for terrorism are identified and examined at foreign ports before they are shipped to the United States
CSI Consists of four core elements: Using intelligence and automated information to identify and target containers that pose a risk for terrorism; Pre-screening those containers that pose a risk at the port of departure before they arrive at U.S. ports; Using detection technology to quickly pre-screen containers that pose a risk; and; Using smarter, tamper-evident containers.
High volumes to the United States Containerized shipping is a critical component of global trade because about 90% of the world's trade is transported in cargo containers. Nearly seven million cargo containers arrive on ships and are offloaded at U.S. seaports each year.
Focusing on Top Foreign Ports Early on, CSI focused on implementing the program at the top 20 foreign ports which ship approximately two thirds of the volume of containers to the U.S. Governments from these 20 foreign ports have already agreed to implement CSI.
Reciprocal Programs Also a reciprocal program, CSI offers its participant countries the opportunity to send their customs officers to major U.S. ports to target ocean-going, containerized cargo to be exported to their countries. As part of reciprocal CSI agreements with Japan and Canada, those countries currently station their customs personnel in U.S. ports as part of the CSI program.